Overclocking problem


Jul 6, 2004
When i overclock my amd m 2500+ on my nf7-s my hardware docter thing tells me my -12v has exceeded its limits, what does this mean.?
Clax said:
me my -12v has exceeded its limits, what does this mean.?

Well, that is a reference to your power supply and how you are reading it. What power supply are you using? Is the hardware doctor a motherboard utility or a seperate unit?
Its an Antec 350 watt psu, The proggy is a motherboard utility that came with my driver disk, it seems the -12v thing is usually at -13
im afraid this isnt good. Your PC is going to die at any moment. By melting through the socket and then dripping down the mounts holding down your mother board onto your desk then onto your big toe.

Nah i dunno what that means. Something to do with the power consumption from that rail.
I'm not sure if this is right, but I heard that maybe the -12 volt rail is useless with today's technology?