
gwai lo

Aug 31, 2004
ok...this seems like a rather easy question...but I just wanted to check anyway.

Every once in a while, 4-5 hours so far, the computer will just lock up. Everything freezes, it can be while on aim, while listening to music, while browsing, etc. So I doubt it's because I'm stressing it (unless F@H is stressing). The mouse freezes, cap locks doesn't light up, but the optical drives and stuff still work. I can't hear the hard drive powering down or anything so I'm pretty sure it's not that. Temperatures don't change (according to the physical diode they don't anyway) and are still safe (chills a couple °C above 40 with F@H, AIM, and Firefox)

Sooo...yeah...I was thinking this would probably be something to do with voltages or timings correct? Not actual hardware? or could it be either?

Not sure if system specs are really relevant..but..

3.0C @ 3.6 vcore is at 1.6 (rather high I think, but the vcore fluctuation makes it 1.56 most of the time)
G.Skill 1 gig (2×512) PC4400 LD (freaking piece of crap, lesson to you all, do not buy stuff at one in the morning "hmm..g.skill...ah there it is..well there's two...ahhh too much text I go for that one" *click* *several days later* "finally!!! .......ohh..........crap" -_-)
Thermaltake Purepower 420 watts ( :eek: thermaltake!)
haha i like ur mini story on the gskill :) my friend bought some cheap twinmos ram and long behold BH5 at a bargain price :D

anyways back to the problem at hand, assuming your psu is not causing the problem it looks like it could be the vcore is not high enoughf or your clock speed. to check this scenario out download prime95 and run its stress test for 24 hours. if it passes, its not the voltage, in which case youll have a really good mystery :) if it doesnt pass, youre gonna have to lower the clock speed or raise the voltage. :(
Download Prime95 and check for stability....if it locks up for no reason then use memtest to make sure your memory can handle it.

Other than that, no ideas.
Well...sorry I said the wrong thing...I *was* at 1.575 and then I froze and I just upped it to 1.6 as of...three hours ago. So far it hasn't froze..but not too sure yet. I ran Prime at 1.575 last week for a bit, I left for a retreat so I told my dad to check it saturday morning. He said it froze when he checked it, but he didn't check it anytime between. So it went for 14 hours and sometime between then it froze. -_-

When I did run it for 3 or so hours before (think it was on thursday), it worked. I would've ran it longer, but I had to use it. But..yeah no errors..no nothing. Just freezes, of course Windows doesn't actually log the freeze :rolleyes: so I don't know anything. My guess initially was vcore, but I'm not oc'ing expert and I have very very little experience.

So that's +1 for vcore. :p

Running memtest tonight, we'll see in the morning.

Thanks for replying so far.
prime95 tests ram as well, so if you can run prime95 for 24 hours continuously i wouldnt even bother with memtest86. also 3 hours is hardly enough time to check a system for stability. some people choose to run their systems this way but it doesnt ensure your system wont crash on you due to cpu stability.