Overclocking QX6700.. some quick questions.


Sep 2, 2006
Trying to OC my quad core.. It bluescreens when I try to boot it at a 14x multiplier.. I have not increased the fsb, so this should make it roughly 3.5ghz.. My cpu is watercooled and is sitting at around 26 degrees.

I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to overclocking.. I haven't really bothered with it the last few years.. I thought however, that overclocking a cpu with an unlocked multiplier would be very easy and only limited by the CPU temp.. Now.. obviously this is not the case.. Do you guys have an input on what could be restricting my OC?

I'm on an Asus Striker Extreme.. currently only using 1GB OCZ 6400 RAM, though my intentions eventually is to use 4gb.. (Thought this RAM would suffice since OC'ing an extreme cpu didnt necessarily have to involve increasing the fsb.)

btw... it IS easier to OC without increasing the FSB right? Assuming you have "average" RAM like I do..
btw... it IS easier to OC without increasing the FSB right? Assuming you have "average" RAM like I do..

as long as you lower the MHZ of the RAM you'll be O.K., and yes you have sucky ram, sorry it just is...LOL FSB and MHz of the RAM are totatally different things. Also, be prepared for you temps to rise.
Well I just assumed I didnt NEED exceptionally good RAM when the multiplier on the CPU is unlocked? Good RAM is mostly needed for high fsb OC's right? If I dont need to touch the fsb, then I shouldnt need crazy fast RAM..? Or am I mistaken here?

Thing is, I wanna run 4GB RAM, and I figured I'd save a few bucks here.. I'm about to exchange my 4x1GB OCZ modules with 2x2GB of the Kingston HyperX RAM.. Any thoughts on whether or not this is a good move? I'm on my 3rd 680i mobo, and they all seem kinda fuzzy about RAM so.. figured it'd be better to run with 2 modules then 4..
Well, it booted into windows on 13x 266.. so 3467mhz.. which is enough for me, assuming its stable on this speed, haven't really tested yet..

CPU idle temp went from 26 to 35.. which still seems pretty good to me.

So yeah, I guess the vcore was my problem. :)

Feel free to enlighten me on some of the questions I posted above about RAM though. :)
Well I just assumed I didnt NEED exceptionally good RAM when the multiplier on the CPU is unlocked? Good RAM is mostly needed for high fsb OC's right? If I dont need to touch the fsb, then I shouldnt need crazy fast RAM..? Or am I mistaken here?

Thing is, I wanna run 4GB RAM, and I figured I'd save a few bucks here.. I'm about to exchange my 4x1GB OCZ modules with 2x2GB of the Kingston HyperX RAM.. Any thoughts on whether or not this is a good move? I'm on my 3rd 680i mobo, and they all seem kinda fuzzy about RAM so.. figured it'd be better to run with 2 modules then 4..

Again, high FSB has nothing to do with the type of RAM because you can choose the MHz of the RAM...meaning 400FSB chould 800Mhz, 1000Mhz, 1067Mhz or even 1200Mhz on the RAM as long as the RAM can handle it, we call this mem dividers. Check the stuff below. Look RAM Mhz (Ram Freq) value and the FSB value.



