Overclocking Stabilty Software


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2009
Almost have my rig done, rest should be here within a week or week and a half. Anyways doing a I7 920 build with stuff in my sig, except just buying a low end gpu to get my setup going till Team Green luanches and to use it as a backup. Anyways I going to try and reach between 4.0 and 4.2 hopefully on the OC and was wondering what software should I use and howlong should I run tests for stabilty issues? I know of Prime95 and(coming from the AMD side) heard of Intelburn... what else is there to use and make sure?
intel burn test.. 15-20 runs.. or prime95(for how long depends on you).. im lazy so i just do 10 passes on intel burn test.. there is also OCCT..
Yeah, I like to do 15 runs of intel burn test just to make sure things are at least semi stable. Then I will do an overnight run of prime95. If you are looking to try something else there is also LINX and Linpack.
I would suggest,
IBT for thermal validation (temps and make sure CPU is not throttling under load, heatsink working as expected)
Math based test program for basic CPU stability, run both the CPU and the CPU+ram tests as mentioned above several versions of Prime95 are out there, I like OCCT as it is simple to use blah blah.
Something to stress the Graphics system, like 3D mark/furmark, if you are a gamer.
And if you game and really want to see if your machine has balls, set a math based test to use about 60% of the CPU and then fire up a graphics based test at the same time while setting the room/house thermostat to 80F and run it 2x as long as the longest gaming session/etc. you have ever managed before passing out.

The more interesting question is "what out there will test the newly added SSE4 extension instructions and the encryption/decryption commands added to the iX family ?" and also exercise the architecture changes in a meaningful way. /shrug.

And not to put too fine a point on it. Try a forum search (just this forum will do) on "stability" in the title to find the 1000 times this horse has been beaten to a greasy smear in the dirt with much foaming at the mouth and typical internet drama.
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Ok so I have my q6600 up to 3.6ghz on only 1.4v, and I was hoping it was stable since OCCT went for an hour with temps in the low 60s.

Then I started up IBT, my temps went to 75+ in about a minute and then BSOD.

I've been playing BFBC2 beta just fine, and even folding just fine. So i'm wondering if I should worry/care about IBT not being stable.