Overclocking without AGP/PCI Lock


Aug 4, 2002
OK. I've got an ASRock K7VT4A+ motherboard, which has the KT400A chipset. As most of you know that chipset lacks AGP/PCI Lock, and it only has a 1/5 divider. So here is where I'm at..

I'vet got a Sempron 2600+ @ 2.0Ghz (11 x 183Mhz), which means my PCI is at 36.6Mhz, and AGP is at 73.2Mhz. Any ideas for how much higher I may be able to get this to go?

Presently it's rock stable, and temps look good, 46c at full load.
Slightly below 200 (198 as I remember) was as high as I ever got on boards without lock. That means 39 or less on the PCI bus. It'll depend on thePCI and APG cards also and their tolerence.
Thanks for the info. It's been a long time since I had overclocked a machine. :)

Well, got FSB up to 192Mhz now, and so far stable. Although, I think I'm going to get a heatsink for the south bridge as it's running a little warmer than I'd like.
Yeah, it depends on what you have in the PCI slots. If you have nothing, you'll be able to go a little higher.
The bad one is the PCI clock. You are pushing the range of your clock I though the usual max on teh PCI was 36-37. Remember your hard drives are running of the PCI bus and you can get data corruption from a high OC.
Data corruption was a concern, so far everything is handling fine. I'm going to get a passive heatsink for the south bridge, so that will help out a bit.

That last time I ever did any over clocking was back in the days of the 440BX, and such. I use to have a Super Socket 7 rig, that had AGP at 83Mhz, and PCI at 41.5Mhz. Never had much trouble with it.

My main concern was is, how things handled bus overclocks these days.
Well, at closer inspection, the southbridge is actually not very warm. I thought it would be. It's just a little bit warm to the touch. Probably helps that it's about 4 inches from a case fan.

I guess a heatsink for it wouldn't hurt. I found my stash of several small heatsinks with thermal transfer adhesive on them.
I ran my KT333 8K3A+ at 209 FSB for over a year with no problems. Anything over 209 and my CDRW wouldn't work correctly. At 210, the PCI was indicated at 42 in CMOS. Never had a problem with my WD drives, though their performance dropped off when I tried 215 FSB.

My understanding is Radeon cards are less tolerant of out of spec AGP busses than Nvidia. But if you're that high already, you probably don't have a Radeon.