Overclocking without raising voltages decrease lifespan?


Jul 12, 2005
I'm able to get a little extra speed out of my 3500+ without raising my voltage up at all from 1.35 volts (2.4 up from 2.2Ghz). I was just wondering if simply running the card at a faster speed will decrease the lifespan of the card at all since I'm not raising the voltages at all? I know that raising the voltage past the recommended voltage can decrease the lifespan, but since I'm not (and am actually running it at a lower voltage than recommended with an extra 200mhz) will the lifespan of the processor be shortened at all?
I'm not sure many know the answer of that for certain, but theres no way youre likely to lose that processer within at least 5 years i don't think.

But to be honest, I still haven't read a story with someone losing an AMD cpu purely from overclocking bad luck. . even at higher volts.