Overclockix 3.8 Released


Aug 30, 2002
The Overclockix live CD (for folding/boinc/prime) has just been updated. This release is not for LTSP farms (though LTSP stuff is included). And remember, it folds for me by default, so change/restart folding with the command-


Or... edit the default.client.cfg before burning the iso.


!!!New!!! - You'll be able to edit just about every file and install/remove software while running from CD thanks to unionfs. Changes would not be saved across a reboot of course without a little extra work and HDD space....


By no means is this a complete list of what's been added.

UI's- KDE 3.4 | icewm | wmaker | fluxbox

2.6.11 kernel (support for lots of wireless cards added)
chntpw (windows password-changer and registry editor)
smarter folding service (up to 8 clients auto-generated)
folding log webpage generator (see folding@home info)
cpudyn (for mobile cpu's)
prelink (use prelink -amR regularly)
zsplit & unzsplit
j2re 5.0
flash/java/vlc/acroread/mplayer mozilla-firefox plugins
firefox (tweaked a little for speed)
unionfs (allows writing to entire filesystem when booted live)
captive-ntfs (2.6.11 is supposed to have safe ntfs writing support, but I tossed this in anyway, it will not work until a new patch comes out however)
mplayer & w32codecs
gftp & ncftp
extra truetype fonts
new themes/styles/window decorations (new look is slick)
New kspalsh, openoffice spalsh
superkaramba & themes
filelight (this is a neat gui disk useage display)
New service menus (managing iso's, run as root, edit as root, scan with f-prot)
f-prot (virus-scanner)
updated to newest packages (unstable)
preconfigured samba shares (root and home)
smb4k (samba browser)
knemo (network monitor)
synaptic (package manager GUI)
nano (easy text editor)
silver xcursors
nxclient (remote x server/client)
rdesktop (Windows remote desktop client)
vnc server and client
konsolewrap (displays working directory on konsole buttons)
john (password cracker)
what's the memory requirement for LiveCD? Can it fold faster on 128 mb compared to XP?
BTW nice wallpaper.

Ok, well you could do this-

boot with the code:

knoppix 2

Then it'd run in text mode and mem req for the OS overhead would be less than 50MB. You could also use codes like desktop=icewm or desktop=fluxbox, to use minimalistic window managers instead of KDE and OS overhead'd still be less than 64mb. For the default KDE 3.4 you'd want at least 128mb, and I'd recommend 256+.

In text mode it should fold a little faster than windows boxes.
Good news / post Arkaine23, but you didn't provide any links to those folks who may not already know of your work.
LOL I'm d/l ing it now so I can test it out. damn, bit torrent is slow :(

BT is not slow its the seeds u are connecting mainly like that dude on dial-up
Actually, BT is especially slow over dsl or cable, where your connection is half-duplex and asymmetric. Since BT requires that you upload a lot, on my connection (864 down/160 up) even getting the well-seeded Fedora Core ISO images is about 30KB/s versus 90ish via HTTP. On a t1 or similar full duplex connection, this isn't as much of a problem, but on 1/2 duplex it's not a great protocol.

Arkaine, have you looked at the idea of pay access for downloads any more? PM or email me. I've heard from at least one guy on the folding@home forums asking if I would be able to make him a disk, so the market appears to be there.

How many people will download this release (approximately)? Just curious as to the total bandwidth this kind of thing takes...
hmm i never seem to have problems for good seeds on BT at home with dsl i stay around 200KB and on the road in hotels i avg 90KB depending on the hotel lowest normally in the 40's
how do u edit the ISO? I'd like to put my name and team 33 in it, and make only one fah client open.

Does this version use two instances of f@h by default, and can I change that? Also, is there a way of changing the default Window Manager?

ronbo said:
Thanks, saved me doing the research also

I ended up using winiso. Both have to be bought to edit huge files, but i think you'll be able to edit the client.cfg file from the trial version.
Hey, I ran the iso and the cfgfold command. I edited everything and I got a script error on line 117. syntax error near unexpected token 'fi'. Any fix or suggestions? :confused:

1.8 running at 2.4
soyo board
768 mb ram
cd rom
that's it.
Im running into the same problem. I tried cfgfold, and it just wont start folding. Im totally new to linux, so any help would be appreciated!
