

Limp Gawd
Dec 9, 2007
so my rig isnt the top of the line. I built it with cheap standards but now when im playing cod some times it just randomly it restarts and then it is fine if i just leave it on the desktop for a while but if i open the game up again as soon as i start playing it restarts again. I think it is over heating but i have no idea so can you point me in a right direction?

set up is a amd athlon x2 5000+
gigabyte ma78gm-sh2 motherboard
and a pny 9600gt
Download Core Temp or Real Temp and use that to monitor your CPU temperatures while you play a game. Report back once you have some numbers so we can figure out if they're too high or not. Also, use nTune to check on your video card's temperatures and post those as well.
ok so i ran the programs and here is what i got
core#0 was at 30 degrees Celsius
core#1 29 degrees Celsius

gpu1 56 degrees Celsius
Your temps are all fine, so it isn't overheating. What power supply are you using?
antec neo power 550
i have a old hdd i was jw if that can cause problems
It could be. Go to the website of the manufacturer of your hard drive and download their diagnostic tool. Run it and see if it turns up problems with the drive.
ok so i got that and it passed
but im thinking that it cant read fast enough so it over heats when in cod?
No, that probably wouldn't happen. Are all of your components running at stock speeds?
Sounds like the ram to me or the PSU is not putting out stable power.
Are you getting a blue screen or just black to bios screen?
That really sounds like the powersupply to me.

how could i check to see and it dont do it every time i play call of duty. like it will work for a week fine and then like 1 day outta the week the dose this