Overlord II Anyone?


Oct 5, 2004
I don't know why but this game has my interest. I noticed it on steam and downloaded the demo to try it out but I get some strange runtime error.

Has anyone played this game yet and how do they like it?
i liked overlord would have been better if it hadnt already been done. Pikmin was the shit
My copy is coming to me via mail - Not buying games on Steam in Europe, as the prices are outrageous (they just swap $ for Euro by 1$ = 1 euro rate).

Loved the 1st part, it was great, filled with humor, good missions, great story, virtually no interface problems. From what I've read 2nd part is even better. But.... detailed review will be in 3 days, when I get a parcel from UK :)
Overlord was cool, but some of those level....bleah. Maybe it was just me, but some of those levels were impossible for me to get past. But i'd definitely be willing to give the new one a try.
Overlord was cool, but some of those level....bleah. Maybe it was just me, but some of those levels were impossible for me to get past. But i'd definitely be willing to give the new one a try.

It was definitely a bit wonky control wise, but I enjoyed the almost puzzle aspect of it.
I really enjoyed the first game and will defintitely pick up part 2 when I have the time!
Picked it up last night. I played and enjoyed Overlord and Overlord II does not disappoint. Combat is low key and the controls are still the same. However, I really do like the humor in it. Alot of devilish humor throughout, particularly when the "elves" show up. I just got started so I'm looking forward to more as I go.
man, now i have to load up the first one and finish it before getting this. Oh well, its a enjoyable game
played the demo its short but seems pretty funny. reminds me almost of The bard game.

its real easy and more for laughs it seems
The humor was great in Overlord. Glad to see it's still in Overlord II. Maybe I'll get it off Steam later today.
Picked it up last night. I played and enjoyed Overlord and Overlord II does not disappoint. Combat is low key and the controls are still the same. However, I really do like the humor in it. Alot of devilish humor throughout, particularly when the "elves" show up. I just got started so I'm looking forward to more as I go.

So it's in stores already? Or did you D/L from steam or some other online retailer? I was in wally world yesterday, and they had nothing new in. And i am needing a new game pretty badly, at this point.
I would have preferred another Dungeon Keeper game over Overlord. I feel Overlord is an inferior series compared to Dungeon Keeper.
download the demo off the steam..

I'll buy this game when the price goes down..

its a pretty fun game and hilarious for the most part..
I would have preferred another Dungeon Keeper game over Overlord. I feel Overlord is an inferior series compared to Dungeon Keeper.

Well yeah, i have to agree with you there. DK2 is one of my all time favorites. I keep hoping that GoG will pick that up and get it working with a modern OS. I've tried all the work around i know about, and none of them have worked for me.

Bullfrog used to be on of the best for innovative titles.
So it's in stores already? Or did you D/L from steam or some other online retailer? I was in wally world yesterday, and they had nothing new in. And i am needing a new game pretty badly, at this point.

Got it from Steam. And I agree with another poster that it is inferior to DK, but no DK on the horizon. :)
I think it's the sort of game where calling it "consolized" doesn't make much sense. It's much more comfortable on a 360 pad than KB/M, but that's like saying a flight sim is better played with a joystick.
I just played 10 hours in a row non-stop! I really like it. :) Rock-stable for me. Not a single crash in 10 hours. :)

The humor is great. Really fun game.

I don't like the ''auto-save'' scheme though, and would have prefered a true save system... particularly when my ''reds'' decide to explode a card while there is 20 ''browns'' just beside it. LOL. :) Re-load, and loose everything I had done... :(
I just played 10 hours in a row non-stop! I really like it. :) Rock-stable for me. Not a single crash in 10 hours. :)

The humor is great. Really fun game.

I don't like the ''auto-save'' scheme though, and would have prefered a true save system... particularly when my ''reds'' decide to explode a card while there is 20 ''browns'' just beside it. LOL. :) Re-load, and loose everything I had done... :(

Bah silly, unpredictable "reds"!
I kind of liked the first one. Only kinda, because it didn't have a fricking map. And I got lost constantly... and after spending 4 hours lost in some damn forest, I uninstalled and never touched it again. That memory is enough to make me hesitate buying this one, even if I know it has a map now... ;p
This game is freaking awesome! LOL I just stayed up all night playing it, I haven't stayed up all night playing any game for like over 10 years. I never played the first one but this one is such a fresh experience compared to all the FPS and similiar games this is something totally different. Can't stop playing it, i'm going to be sad when it's finished :D Think I will pick up the 1st one also though and play it afterwards.
I checked out the demo, thought it was hilarious how you get life force.
Just installed it... it's even better then 1st part. "We are like fleas without the dog".... gotta love the minions :) And it's really refreshing to see that some game developed to both PC and consoles can be fun and playable. WIsh we got some really good games with good and funny SP storyline, though sometimes I get feeling those kind of games died when Lucas Atrs/SIerra stopped making adventure games ("do not press this button" from Space Quest 1)
Just installed it... it's even better then 1st part. "We are like fleas without the dog".... gotta love the minions :) And it's really refreshing to see that some game developed to both PC and consoles can be fun and playable. WIsh we got some really good games with good and funny SP storyline, though sometimes I get feeling those kind of games died when Lucas Atrs/SIerra stopped making adventure games ("do not press this button" from Space Quest 1)

I agree, we need more games like this. This reminds me so much of the old sierra games LS Larry series etc... with the comedy, animation and story telling but has a modern day approach with the combat and gameplay. Really I wish there were more games like this! This is the best most original game I have played since the old Sierra/Lucas Arts days!
I am enjoying the heck out of overlord II, dunno what is so consolized about it..
The first one kicked ass. The gremlins are hilarous and really make the game fun. I'll try to play this one when I get a chance.
fun game. As fun as the first one.

if you liked the first one , buy it!
BTW, guys, how do you like the "rainbow elves"... they really made me laugh, when they jumped in to save the baby seals. "You are jealous, becasue our pets are more fluffy then yours" :D

And I want Overlord 3 :p
I got the full game and its fun. Whoever said is consolized is lying through his teeth. It's a pretty good pc game.
I really enjoyed the first one, and have this installed at home (but have yet to start it up). The humor reminds me of another game from a little while back: Giants: Citizen Kabuto. That's another classic with some good english humor.
Ughh... anyone who designed the exit from Spider QUeen temple should be forced to watch "Bold and BEautiful" and play nothing but SPore until the end of his f**** life. IT either requires speed potion or whatever else, because I"m getting always too slow at 3rd round of riding those f**** green minions through web. Tried to increase DPI on mouse - ain't helping. I just don't have reflex like monkey to do it. Guess will have to switch to pad, as propably it's much easier.

Hate that part with passion. And ofc there is no save point, so I'll have to kill the queen again, next time I try to pass that game. I just hate things like this which spoil reallly fun and good game. It's like that damn setting up 4 sculpters puzzle in Drake's Uncharted