P4C800 Deluxe or IC7-MAX3


Jun 27, 2004
i've got a zapped Abit is7 (865pe) and now i'm looking to get a new board thats great for overclocking. I've got a 2.4c that stop at 3.4/3.5'ish with PC-4000...What is the better of the 2 boards as far as features and OVERCLOCKABILITY.
gclg2000 said:
i've got a zapped Abit is7 (865pe) and now i'm looking to get a new board thats great for overclocking. I've got a 2.4c that stop at 3.4/3.5'ish with PC-4000...What is the better of the 2 boards as far as features and OVERCLOCKABILITY.

Hands down. P4C800 Deluxe. The vdimm can achieve higher clocks since the VTT tracks well. The IC7-Max3 doesn't, so you'll have to vmod that part. Although the P4C800 tends to droop, but an easy vmod can fix that. I suspect with your 2.4C, if you have enough cooling, you can get up to 3.8.
I'm in a similar predicament. I just got a 2.4C that clocked to 3.6 on the seller's P4P800 but won't do more than 3.5 on my setup. Although I am running on a Zalman and ~1.48V at 3.4 ghz