P4C800E Dlx Vs. MAX3 help? Low 3dmark01 scores!


Mar 1, 2004
Ok, here's my setup:

Asus P4c800E Deluxe 1015bios. stock cooling. stock HSF for cpu.
Intel 3.2ghz oc'd to 3.52 using 10% auto oc from mobo bios.
Corsair XMS Twin PC3700 1gig
ATI 9800pro 128mb Not Oc'd. Using ATI drivers, was using Omega but then I took them off trying to remedy my low scores.
WinXP with SP1
MBM5 temps 58c cpu under load after 20mins of CoD.
WD Raptor 37gb.

I am getting very low 3dmark01 marks...sometimes 15300 and sometimes 12400!! my neighbor who has:

IC7Max3 board latest drivers
Intel 2.8 oc'd to 3.0
Kingston Hyper X 1gb PC 3200
ATI 9800pro 128mb NOT oc'd. Using ATI drivers.
WinXP with SP1

is getting 3dmarks in the 18000's stock! without closing any running programs in windows.

I've tried SOOOOO much tweaking, mobo, cpu, bios, then went back to basics, STILL no luck getting that mark higher than 154000. I'm considering switching to the IC7MAX3 board with a sp94.

any suggestions or help?

one more thing. With his card, in SmartGart he can set his 8x, whereas on mine I can't. Also, in my bios, under agp it has AGP/PCI there is no selection for 4x/8x like in most other manufac. boards.

Please help. Do I ebay the board and get the MAX3 or is something just jacked up?
Theres nowhere to select 8x in the bios. It says AGP/PCI...unless I'm missing something, I've been through the bios in and out a dozen times. No luck.
Run dxdiag.exe. It should say agp texture acceleration is enabled (in vid card section).
Solution: 875p chipset drivers. I d/l recent drivers from Intel.com, installed, reinstalled vid drivers Catalyst 4.1, ran 3dmark01 got low 17000's!!!

I figure, to beat my neighbors Abit board and hit over 18, I'll need better cooling on the P4C800e dlx. I'm going to order a 92mm tornado with the SP94 hs, and add a Microcool HS and Fan to the Northbridge controller, currently it only has the ASUS stock HS.

Whaddya think? think it'll do 18's with the aftermarket cooling and some ram sinks on the 9800pro?

Your thoughts and opinions are welcome.

18K will be easy. I have nearly 18k on my Radeon 9700 pro and 3.25. All on stock cooling and stock volts :cool: