P5B Deluxe owners...


Limp Gawd
Feb 7, 2006
Ok, so some people have had great experiences with this board. I just read on xtreme about someone hitting over 500fsb without mods.

Does anyone else have MY luck? I can hit 370 without an issue. A hair above that, and the board won't post.

I have the latest BIOS, 0505 - supports changing the multiplier, etc. Even if I set the multiplier on my E6400 to x6, I can NOT boot past 370FSB, even with the ram set to the lowest setting, which puts it below 800. My specs are in my sig, if you're interested.

I can prime and PI and everything without any issues, at 370FSB, with a x8 multi, and my ram running at 925.... So I'm 99.9% sure it's not my chip or my ram.

I did notice, however, that there is no MCH voltage adjustment on this board - could that be what's holding me back? Or do you think I should just buy something else and try again?

The only voltages I've changed are my vcore, vdimm and nb. I can run 370FSB at about 1.375vcore, and 925 on the ram @ 2.3v, with 1.35v on the nb. If I max out the nb to 1.55v, and push the vcore up to 1.55v, I can't even push 375 - regardless of the multiplier.

So, as I've said, has anyone else with a P5B had the same issue? That DS3 looks really good right now...... Thanks!
Dark I will get my board this afternoon and hopefully you find the answer before then :)

Where did you get the 505?
asus site only has 502.
there were several post about voltage and I would have sworn that one mentioned setting that.

MB: P5B Deluxe Bios 0502
CPU: Retail Box E6300
VGA: Matrox G450 PCI
MCH voltage: 1.55V
CPU voltage: 1.425V

I am just like you how do they get 500+ but then again. I saw pics of one and under advanced cpu settings everything is disabled. I posted on xtreme and asked didn't you turn this into a 3.9G celeron.
No reply...
remember 2 things on xtreme....
fastest fsb at all cost just to see it come up in windows and snapshot
boot up....tweak to the fastest you can get, run pi and quit
they will tell you that they never worry about 24/7
BUT I sure would like to hit 3G with a 6400

See, I just want at least 400 - I know other people can do it, and my week 25 E6400 should be able to get there.

I've seen the same posts, but unless MCH voltage is known as something else, (is this the same as northbridge?) then I have no idea. If it IS the northbridge, I still have no luck going to 1.55.

3.2+ with an e6400 SHOULD be no problem, alot of people are dual-priming at 3.5+. But, it's definitely not a CPU issue at this point, since even 400x6 is way below what I'm running it at right now...

And, stability is one thing - but being 100% 9-hour dual-prime stable at 372FSB, and then not even being able to POST at 373FSB is a totally different story.

Edit - About the 0505 BIOS - Someone posted about it on Xtreme. I had him email me the BIOS, he apparently received it directly from Asus R&D.
since I won't have my board till tonight I was looking at a friends p5w
and it list this under voltage

cpu vcore
fsb termination
MCH chipset
ICH chipset

his pci express is locked at 101 and pci clock sync is locked 33.333

is the p5b the same ?

Makes sense. The P5B is listed as:

FSB Termination (I was told not to touch this - is that correct??)

I haven't touched the southbridge or ICH, since they're not affected by the overclock.
DarkSi can you pm me that bios?

I just got mine and latest I have is 502.

hope this thing goes together ok
I am trying a ninja cooler and not sure at all
about this backplate


PM me your email address, I'll send it as soon as I get home.
Yeah, I got the 0507 earlier today. Didn't help a bit.

Although, you can now push the NB voltage up to 1.65! That should be a huge improvement, for those who don't seem to be stuck like I am.

So, no one has any suggestions as to what I could be doing wrong?

After I couldn't push the board any further today, I took of the NB heatsink, applied arctic silver there, etc... Dropped the temps a few degrees, but there's still no improvement in the overclocking ability. ><

No matter what I do, I just can't get beyond 372, regardless of the CPU multi, and I refuse to believe that it's just my board... There are so many people now in the 500+ range with this board!

It *could* be a temp issue, my CPU is idling around 43* at the speed I'm running now... But I would think that I'd be fine, and if anything, I might have some full-load stability issues, before I hit this damn OC wall.

I really don't feel like dropping another $200+ on a new board for this thing! :p
This is a long shot, but have you tried booting at FSBs above 373? I've heard of "dead spots" when overclocking, though I don't think it's too common.

This is unrelated, but I'm also wondering what the lowest vCore you can set in BIOS is.
Backslash said:
This is a long shot, but have you tried booting at FSBs above 373? I've heard of "dead spots" when overclocking, though I don't think it's too common.

This is unrelated, but I'm also wondering what the lowest vCore you can set in BIOS is.

Yeah, I've tried just about everything in between 266 and 400. :-P

I forget exactly what the lowest vCore you can set is, but it's just over 1.2v. 1.2125, I believe.