P5B (Vanilla) Questions


Apr 21, 2001
I bought my E6400 / Asus P5B back in Nov. 2006. At the time, I could only really afford Corsair Value Select VS2GBKIT667D2. Fast forward to today and I do not think I am getting the most out of my CPU. I am able boot into Windows at 3.2 GHz (FSB400/800DDR2) and all seems well and dandy except when I stress test with memtest86. Errors usually after 16% of a pass.

Anyway, getting to the point, I was looking to buy new RAM, either DDR2-800 or 1066. However, looking at these sticks, I see a lot of them have a 'default' VDIMM requirement of 2.1v, 2.2v, 2.3v, 2.4v. My question in that regards is, will my board be able to support them? In BIOS (I flashed to the most recent, v1803), my VDIMM only seems to be able to increase to 2.1v. Will this be a problem in that regard?

Thanks in advance
Just wondering, have you tried bumping the voltage on your current ram?
Yes. I am currently stable at 360 FSB / 720 MEM @ 2.0v. I tried to up it to 2.1 Volts but no joy. I have a P182 with 3 120MMs (1 ducted towards RAM/VGA) so everything is very cool. I wish that the P5B had dividers so I could run higher FSB with lesser DDR2 frequency but they only give the option for the other way around.
Yes. I am currently stable at 360 FSB / 720 MEM @ 2.0v. I tried to up it to 2.1 Volts but no joy
Bummer, there goes the easy fix. :D

Seems a lot of the DDR2-1066 ram is really DDR2-800 stuff run at a higher voltage, such as mine......


The higher the voltage, the RAM speed increases, but you sacrifice the timings.

You're chip is doing good, and I have no idea if better RAM will make a major difference or not.
If I were you, I'd forget about the 1066 stuff, and shoot for some decent 800 RAM. IDK what brands, if any, do DDR2-800 @ 1.8, but I'm bettin' you'll be able to power just about anything with your max. 2.1 volts.

Good Luck!
Yea I was sorta thinking the same thing. Better go the sure (DDR-800) route than trying to get a 2.2v+ 1066 part that might not work in my mobo.

Thanks for the responses
I'm running a-data 800mhz. Runs at 1.8v too.
I haven't tryed to overclock them, but they run very stable right now. and they were very cheap on newegg.