P5W-DH "Reboot and Select proper Boot device" error


Aug 18, 2005
Hey, I'm having this problem with an IDE Seagate 7200.10 (320 GB).

My bios does not seem to be picking it up, but at some point it does register the HDD as a 320 GB in the onscreen diagnostics test.

Please someone help me!
I've hooked it up to both the pri-ide and pri-eide ports. When hooked up properly, the hd shows up as being a third ide master. Which is ridiculous.

I'm nearly at my wits end, need a real computer pro to figure this one out, just hope there is one out there!
are you able to run a diagnostic on the drive by booting with the Seagate diagnostic floppy? This is what happened to me with a brand new Seagate pata drive last year. Bios saw it but couldn't install an OS.
I've already installed an os, and ran a computer on the HD in another rig. The hd is not the issue, quite sure it's the bios and the IDE drive.
if it is showing up as third ide master, what is the problem? its just showing the jmicron sata and the intel sata as first and second ide.
the sata drives always showed up as ide channels on my last mainboard. i would reboot to check this board, but it goes by way too fast to read anything.
Well here's the weird thing, if I hook up my disc drives to the primary ide, they show up in the primary ide slots.

I've rebooted more then a few times.

Same problem.
guess I'll have to call up asus support, if a solution comes up, i'll post here.

Edit: Online customer service support explained I just need to install windows on the harddrive. Ironic since I included in my help request that I had a fresh and working copy of windows installed. Also that I had tried installing windows on top of that, but to no avail.

Now for phone support (if I can get through).

Edit2: Third time's a charm, I finally got through the gauntlet that is the asus phone support line. Apparently they have never heard of my problem before, and have no clue how to remedy it. Also my helper (One of the lead developers on the P5W DH... Yeah right) explained that it is not the board at fault with high school computer logic.


Anyways, I'm gonna just go buy an SATA drive today, plug that in, and if that does not work, just go for a new mobo (exchanged of course).