P6T Express Gate = Black screen of death


Limp Gawd
Apr 8, 2005
So it finally looks like my issues are over, after fretting about power supplies, RAM, grounding etc. It turns out my (like many others I now find) black screen of death (i.e. machine appears to boot but no display, and then power cycles and tries again untill I un-juice it for 30secs) is all down to express gate. Disable it, and issues all go away (actually never even got into it in the first place since there appears to be no power to the USB keyboard to register the keystroke untill at least 10 seconds into the boot sequence - just in time if you are lucky to get into the BIOS!).
I had an issue with my keyboard not getting power in time to hit the DEL button as well, but what I found is that when the Express Gate splash screen came up that I could use my mouse to click on the Enter BIOS. Other than that, I haven't had any issues. So it seems like a random issue for people. I did also change my OS support to PnP OS in the BIOS and that seemed to help the keyboard issue as well.