P6T mobo with 6 GB ram. Upgrade options?


Limp Gawd
May 20, 2006
Hello, I currently have a P6T mobo with 6 gig of ram.

It's the F3-12800CL9T-6GNQ. It's a 3x 2 GB kit.

My computer is running slow and the memory usage is usually always around 94% or higher, it's causing long and frequent freezes. I think it's time to upgrade my ram set, but I'd like to see what the community can suggest for upgrades.

I'm personally considering to increase my ram up to 12 GB or 16 GB. I've seen people talk about the G.Skill Jigsaw X and the Corsair Vengeance.

Are these something that's compatible with my motherboard?

Are there any other alternatives that I should be looking at as well?

Thanks in advance.
Please elaborate as to what programs you are using? That might be an indicator as to why the memory usage is so high. If your using Windows 7 64bit you'll be about 1-2 idle with a few programs loaded in the background.

Things off the top of my head that might be some major issues are:
Bad install of Windows (or your preferred OS)
Page file issues
You have way to many startup programs, or programs in general (I say may, but you might need these, hence we need specifics) - msconfig is your friend here
Programs are not closing/ending properly causing them to stick in memory. Thus a reinstall of specific programs could do some good.
You could have a bad RAM module/set (memtest could isolate this issue)

I'm not picking out your building abilities, but you did put them in every other slot starting with the slot closet to the CPU, correct?

For most 6GB is plenty and hardly ever maxed out, but there are exceptions if you are using applications such as photoediting and desktop virtualization.
I'm indeed running Windows 7 64 bit. The problems I use on a daily basis is pretty much just Chrome, Firefox, and WoW at the same time.

Chrome seems to be taking up most of the memory here since I have 374 tabs open and around 30 or so opened in Firefox.

My system hasn't had memory issues up until recently. I'm hoping that will rule out bad install of my OS. Can you explain to me further about page file issues? I'm unfamiliar with that thing. I've taken a look at my startup programs and they haven't changed much at all.
Are you seriously Trolling? 374 tabs of chrome and 30 in FF? Joke, right?

... even 20 tabs is ridiculous.

#1) you don't need that many tabs open, ad if you do, open another browser.
#2) Addons in WoW could be filling up your memory. Make sure you don't have to many running (consolidate) and/or make sure they are up to date.
This topic has gone off topic. :/

Is there anyone else who can give me advice on what RAMs to pick up?
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The brand of the RAM doesn't matter so much, as long as the supplier guarantees the compatibility. Your P6T mobo comes in two flavours that I know of - the P6T WS Professional, and the P6T SE. Both models can take up to 6x4GB modules or 24GB in total.

If you seriously have large numbers of browser tabs open, and that's how you prefer to work, then you are going to have to up your amount of installed RAM. You've got 3 open slots left so check out some of the triple channel kits RamCity have. It will give you some idea of what they are worth:

Are these something that's compatible with my motherboard?

Most kits should work fine with your motherboard. It might be better for you to just get a 3x4GB kit and sell off your old ram. Less chance of a compatibility problem if you use just one set of matched ram.