P8Z77-V Pro or Maximus V Gene


Limp Gawd
Feb 22, 2006
I'm trying to decide between these 2 motherboards for my upcoming build with a i5 3570k and I can't make my mind up. I only plan on using 1 gpu for the foreseeable future along with my Xonar Essence STX soundcard.

I'm confused as to which board would overclock better. The Pro has a 12+ 4 power design and the MVG has a 8 + 4 power design but uses Extreme Engine Digi+ II with better capacitors.

I know the MVG only has 6 sata ports but that's plenty for me. I'm a little concerned about the performance of the Asmedia SATA controller how is the performance on those. If I went with the Pro I could skip using those ports entirely.

I've decided I definitely want to get an Asus board because of the mature UEFI. I've ruled out the deluxe and sabertooth because of expense and features I don't need, and the P8Z77-V and lesser models don't quality for ASUS Premium Service.

I plan on using a Silverstone Fortress Ft02 case with an aftermarket air cooler not sure which one yet.

I am able to get either of these boards for the same price so money isn't a factor.
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Memory overlcocking will be slightly better on the Gene, everything else comes down to what you need most.
