Packet Sniffing Question


Aug 6, 2004
I am very new to packet sniffing and I was checking the network via wireshark (ethereal) and received alot of the following

[Continuation to <packet number>] 445 > 3084 [ACK] Seq=# Ack=# Win=64440 len=1460

I am assuming this is just the continuation of a large file copy that is split over multiple packets. The <packet number> will change upon a "Read andx Response". The packet destinations are to the same destination ip address from the same source address (which is my server).

I just need some clarification that my assumption is correct. Thanks.
Looks like that is what it is.

When transferring a file it may be split into many different packets. Each packet is given a sequence number so the the computer know how to reassemble them, as well as if it is missing any pickets.