Painting my Inspiron 9300


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2005
I'll be painting my Inspiron 9300, but only the top bit of it... hard to describe but the bottom is a nice black I do enjoy and the keyboard colour is just fine at black also.

I'm looking for suggestions and advice on how to do this, I found instructions on removing the parts I want to on Dell's website so I can sand and paint just the parts of which I want to re-colour.

Here is a picture of an Inspiron 9300-

I want to paint the edges of the screen and the silver/white around the keyboard. Also the closing upper part of the lid and if anyone has suggestions replace the Dell logo with "Lsv"

Here is an imagine of the top lid-

Thank you in advanced.

PS - I've started sanding down the top lid with 320 grit sanding paper and moving up to 400 -600 and 800. Should I go higher than 800 before washing/drying and applying the first layer of paint?
If this is a new laptop, and you want to keep the warrenty. Call dells warrenty department and see if they say you can do this. I did this to my HP PV6000. But before i did, i called HP and bestbuy. HP said have a Technition take the system apart for you, and paint the parts. We have no problem with it as the Cabinatry is not warrentied. (cabinatry means the plastic casing). Bestbuy however aid the only way they would continue to warrenty the laptop is if HP themselves took it apart. But HP said they would not take it apart for me. So i was in a catch 22. So i asked. If it was ok to just mask everything off and paint it. Bestbuy said thye dont reccomend it, but that was ok if i really wanted to. Long as the paint didnt effect any components. As its been over a year now and i've had no hardware failure, i'd say i'm safe on that bet :)

I am curiouse though. you said youw anted to replace the dell logo with "Lsv" what is that? it's not initials i'm familure with.
I bought the laptop used and it is not under warranty. Also I've already taken the laptop apart to add more ram and extend the wifi antenna all around the screen so this isn't an issue.

I'm more concerned over what type of paint, what grit paper I should start/work/end with and how to get a mirror finish.

Lsv = my initials:p
I'm so confused as to why you sanded the top......??? You wouldn't have needed to primer anything if you just scuffed it up, I'm assuming the 320 grit took all the silver paint off. :( Washing it isn't necessary if you have alcohol/prepsol/wax and grease remover. Just a quick wipe down would suffice.

The Dell logo pops out, assuming you took the screen out as well. There's a small hole on back to push it out. Simply go to a local engraver with a piece of acrylic and have them engrave your initials on there. I'd go with a square piece and then make it into a circle after they've done their engraving. Then glue it in place.
Conano said:
If this is a new laptop, and you want to keep the warrenty. Call dells warrenty department and see if they say you can do this. I did this to my HP PV6000. But before i did, i called HP and bestbuy. HP said have a Technition take the system apart for you, and paint the parts. We have no problem with it as the Cabinatry is not warrentied. (cabinatry means the plastic casing). Bestbuy however aid the only way they would continue to warrenty the laptop is if HP themselves took it apart. But HP said they would not take it apart for me. So i was in a catch 22. So i asked. If it was ok to just mask everything off and paint it. Bestbuy said thye dont reccomend it, but that was ok if i really wanted to. Long as the paint didnt effect any components. As its been over a year now and i've had no hardware failure, i'd say i'm safe on that bet :)

I am curiouse though. you said youw anted to replace the dell logo with "Lsv" what is that? it's not initials i'm familure with.

Believe me, it's easier if you take it apart, not a certified guy. You'll know exactly where to put the parts again. As far as the paint goes, it doesn't effect the insides. That's assuming you prep nicely and don't get overspray inside the panels.
Ahhhh. ok. Heres what i did man.

I started off with a 220 grit. lightly sanded to scuff the case up. I then wiped the case down with denatured alcahol to remove dust and any grease or oils.

After that i used Krylon Fusion Primer. Let Dry atleast 6 hours. Then using a 320 grit sand paper and sanded almost all the primer off. After this you wipe the laptop parts off VERY good with a tak cloth.

Choose your basecoat and applie. i'd reccomend a semi gloss. A high gloss paint is hard to clear coat and layer. Applie that Semi gloss, let dry, then sand with 320. Clean it off. Then Applie second coat. Let dry, then sand with 400 grit paper. Clean, then applie a third coat if nessicary. let dry and scuff the paint.

Applie your clear coat carefully. Overspray is a BIOTCH. I used a clear gloss enamel. Do the same thing as you did above with the paint, but do about 4 coats. up to about a 600 grit paper. If you want a SUPER shine, go upwards of 1500 to 2000 grit paper.

It is best to allow the paint to fully cure for about 24 to 48 hours to get it's high durability. If this isnt done, sometimes the paint, though it doesnt feel like it could stil be wet. and you'd seal that moisture under.

Once your done with the clear coat use a wax, like turtle wax hard shell.

This is the one i did. But i didnt add the turtle wax yet. Or the other brand. McGuire or somethig like that.

I'd give it some time before applying that wax. Let the paint fully cure.

I'm sure rattle can takes less time to cure than automotive paint but it's always good to be safe. I usually wait a month.
If i didnt have a 3 year exstended full accidental and screen damage replacement coverage. I probably would have dismanteled it. But i like my warrety. They pay off. Best buy lost my old toshiba laptop and thats how i got this one. Walked in there after they realied they couldnt find it. Walked outta bestbuy with a HP Pavillion zv6000 laptop. 1 gig ram upgrade. and brand new 3 year warrenty without spendig one cent. :) But if it's not warrented. sure, i would do that. But it's not me.