Pakistan Blocking Sends YouTube Into 'Black Hole'

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Remember when you were in grade school and something you did in class made everyone have to stay in from recess? Well, you can blame Pakistan for all of us missing recess (YouTube) yesterday! Good job on screwing it up for everyone. ;)

Whatever the reason, the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority issued an order to Pakistani ISPs to block YouTube. The nation's largest ISP, Pakistan Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. (PTCL) took steps to send all requests from Pakistan for YouTube into a "black hole." But, apparently inadvertently, the ISP hijacked YouTube's IP addresses, effectively shutting down the site for users around the world for several hours.
now the question is, how much money does youtube make a day from page hits...:eek:
I'd imagine this is going to be taken up with ICANN, which could end up in the isp getting their ip address assignment license pulled... Probably easily talking millions in damages.

I still don't see much of a problem with dropping asia almost completely from our realm of internet. If they aren't open to the ideal of free information and open collaboration, then they can make their own dang net.

What's that smell boys n girls?

I smell lawsuits :D

Probably won't be worth it -- really.

More trouble than it's worth. They'd be better off spending the money saved from not disputing to fixing the problem entirely.
I still don't see much of a problem with dropping asia almost completely from our realm of internet. If they aren't open to the ideal of free information and open collaboration, then they can make their own dang net.

QFTMFT. And rightly so they should.

I think we should send their imported goods into a black hole rather than actually buying it and bringing it into our economy. Let's see how quick they start behaving then. Then again, I'm just in a vindictive mood.
QFTMFT. And rightly so they should.

I think we should send their imported goods into a black hole rather than actually buying it and bringing it into our economy. Let's see how quick they start behaving then. Then again, I'm just in a vindictive mood.

That is very good idea :)
My search for anything good out of the middle east or its cultures is getting close to impossible.. outside of Turkey, Lebanon and Israel, the rest of it can burn and aside from the oil nothing would be missed... cynical? maybe... honest? maybe too much. How sad is it when entire continental cultures never make it past the crusades in culture, thinking, and politics. They want to live in the dark ages and enjoy the benefits of the renaissance at the same time... fuck that..
QFTMFT. And rightly so they should.

I think we should send their imported goods into a black hole rather than actually buying it and bringing it into our economy. Let's see how quick they start behaving then. Then again, I'm just in a vindictive mood.

Take a good look around your house and work place. How many of what you see is NOT made in the US of A? Alot isn't it.
Let me see if I understand this right..

When Musharraf was dictator, ruling the country with an iron fist, YouTube thrived in Pakistan. Now the dictator steps down, democracy is reborn, and YouTube is banned.

Did I miss something here?
The video's proving 911 was orchistrated by the bush administration to shred the constitution, build and control an oil pipeline through the middle east and further theyre plans for a one world government are becoming very popular and since Pakistan is in on the deal they want to keep theyre people uninformed.

Bin-Laden and Al-Queda are CIA created assets used to scare and enrage the american people into following hitler part deux aka BUSH.

NWO info
Does anyone actually care that Pakistan can't get on youtube? I mean yeah, it sucks for some of them, but they should do whatever they can to move out of their backwards country. The majority in their country do not want anything to do with the outside world.

And if they can't, oh well, a lot of other countries don't even have food, let alone Internet connections with which to watch subversive content. I have a real hard time feeling sorry for them.
Does anyone actually care that Pakistan can't get on youtube? I mean yeah, it sucks for some of them, but they should do whatever they can to move out of their backwards country. The majority in their country do not want anything to do with the outside world.

And if they can't, oh well, a lot of other countries don't even have food, let alone Internet connections with which to watch subversive content. I have a real hard time feeling sorry for them.

The internet is the best way to enlighten backwards countries. Give them a taste of the civilized world and they'll start to reject religious authoritarianism. Knowledge is power.
Civilized world.. HAH!

Thar intarwebs are chock full of conspiracy theories, misinformation, soapboxes of hate, self-loathing disdain and anonymous-ergo-jerkoff teenagers who talk smack while thinking they're gods for firing a crit rocket in your face. Oh and pr0n. Lots and lots of pr0n. Need I go on?

Yeah, just what a budding democracy needs to come out of the proverbial 3rd-world closet.

But then I'm just playing devil's advocate. :cool:
they probably read this and decided to halt the flow of intelligence information coming from their country. i'm only half joking.
Civilized world.. HAH!

Thar intarwebs are chock full of conspiracy theories, misinformation, soapboxes of hate, self-loathing disdain and anonymous-ergo-jerkoff teenagers who talk smack while thinking they're gods for firing a crit rocket in your face. Oh and pr0n. Lots and lots of pr0n. Need I go on?

Sounds like civilisation to me.

Seriously though, any YouTube seems to me to be a stupid target if they are trying to keep people from educating themselves. I'd be worried when they start banning BBC news or something.
To me, this shows some major weaknesses in the Internet system as it is today.
I got the COMPLETE explaination of this move.

Okey, first for 2 years ago, a danish and norwegian paper i think sweeden did to print drawings of mohammed with a bomb in his mounth or whatever, i dont remember, wasnt really a big deal, the Pakistan and other countries got crazy, and blew up our ambasady(miss spelled i know) the danish and norwegian, mb the sweedish aswell, cant remember completly, but it doesnt matter.

LAst week did we do the same again, just to say, we are allowed to say whatever we like in scandinavia, and nothing should stop us doing so.
this time did we end up catching 3 guys for planning murder attempt on the drawer, over 100 people who revolting, with sabotage, meaning taken for sabotage and goes to prison.

Theese drawings ended up on youtube, aswell as other stuff that makes fun of muslim culture in any way, just having drawn mohammed or anything like that is wrong. there u guys have it ;)