Palm Pixi without data?


Jul 13, 2008
Hey all, I'll try to make this short.

I ordered a Palm Pixi which Sprint decided to give me for free (which I was pretty happy about and that's why I got it other than the Pre which they weren't going to budge on) and that is going to arrive on Monday.

Now, the lady said it will work just fine without data (because the data will not be active until the 28th for some reason... billing related). Anyway I am sure that it'll work without data active on my plan (since I can turn it on on the phone... I have on the phone I have now to download games), but does WebOS do this by default? I don't know if anyone here knows the answer, I don't want to wait until the 28th to use my phone (I know I won't be able to use the cool features of it) but at the same time I don't want a ridiculous phone bill this month.

I'd appreciate any insight into this.


Well I found some info from precentral that WebOS requires a fair amount of data in everyday things so charges would get real expensive real quick.

Guess I'll be calling Sprint on Monday.
Yeah you can't even activate the phone without data. You start by making a palm profile and backing everything up on their servers.
You can pay the minimal data usage just to activate your phone. After that you are able to turn off data usage in your settings until you have an active data plan.
You can pay the minimal data usage just to activate your phone. After that you are able to turn off data usage in your settings until you have an active data plan.

I'm not sure how minimal it is though. One of the first thing WebOS does is create a backup of your profile on Palm's servers. The amount of data sent could be significant.
One of the major reasons the Pixi/Pre/Androids/In-stinks are on an everything plan is that they send/receive data CONSTANTLY. The WebOS and Android phones for syncing and backups, the In-Stinks to basically report back to Samsung about how horrible they are. Running your Pixi without a data plan is going to rack up some serious charges, probably about an extra $30-75 ($75 being the cap that Sprint charges for data overages) for the month. You might want to talk to customer care and make sure a credit can be issued to counter the charges you'll be seeing. In this scenario, I know my old store would have NO problem doing that for you. Especially if you happened to pick up some accessories at the time...
The phone will not activate on a non-data plan. Get data or get another phone. Simple choice. WebOS has been nothing but impressive. Stability, usability, etc.

EDIT: you cant activate until the data plan is active. Unless you get lucky and activate on without a plan change, but i doubt that will work.

Don't forget with the new sprint data plans, you get the "any mobile, anytime" feature. Its sweet since 99.99999 percent of people now are on mobile phones. That might be an underestimate percent wise :)
I still cant get over how many people don't want data of some sort. My god I can't live with out it, it's just the best innovation for mobile phones.
I still cant get over how many people don't want data of some sort. My god I can't live with out it, it's just the best innovation for mobile phones.

It depends on how you plan on using the data, how much you need it, and how much that access is worth to you. For me, an extra $25-30/month for something that would help me with my job/career/business is worth it. The same amount a month for an occasional, non-critical email check/push and/or app functionality is not worth it. (The latter wasn't even worth $10/month for me after the initial thrill went away).