panasonic pt ae1000u 1080p PJ $2899 ar

This is smoking hot. For any of you that bite, take the five year extended warranty over the Oppo player.
I'm editing my own post here. While the rebate form may or may not currently be up at this website, it appears to be available at a number of sites now. This appears to be ligit.

Here's the message you get if you click on the rebate form:

"Check Back Soon

Currently, the manufacturer spansoring this rebate has yet to generate a claim form for this offer. The link to download the claim form will be made available to you in the next few days.

Please check back soon."

That certainly dosen't put one's mind at ease when considering a purchase with a $1000 rebate.
I just got off the phone with panasonic and my guy at pjpeople - the rebate is correct. Yeah the 5 year warranty is killer - couple that with the 3yr bulb plan (two new bulbs for $99) I definetly recommend pjpeople ive bought 3 pjs from them w/o a problem.