Panasonic TC-L32U22 32" 1080p IPS - $383.04 - Free Shipping


Jun 9, 2007
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I bought the 37" one of these, and the text is so-so to good as best I could calibrate it on a GTX-460. It's definately better than the LG 32LE5300, but still not as sharp as any actual monitor. The 32" may be better as a monitor because the text wouldn't be stretched quite as much, but overall I am pretty picky about my monitors and I don't think the 37" quite cut it for me. I'm attempting to sell it on craigslist. It's a great looking tv otherwise, beautiful on blu-ray! AND has no input lag that I could detect with the mouse (which I did feel a bit of lag when trying the LG 32LE5300). I do wish I had bought the 32" model instead, because it might just be that I feel a 37" is too big for a monitor/1080p. The 37" was $400 shipped from amazon in a gold box deal which is why I picked it up.
Does this panny support netflix and hulu? I can never tell on panny stuff which ones have and which ones don't. And when i say support, I mean is it built in.

edit: nevermind. I see it has no lan port. I wish they'd make a 32 inch plasma with apps.
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I can't find any decent reviews of using 32" IPS TVs as a monitor. Can someone point me to one (or a lengthy Hardorum thread)?

I can't find any decent reviews of using 32" IPS TVs as a monitor. Can someone point me to one (or a lengthy Hardorum thread)?


Just look here or the display forums, you'll find 3 sets talked about the past 3 months if you do a simple quick search, believe me you'll find feedback regarding that and people asking the EXACT same thing :) that officer posted is a good one as he mentioned (and others here as well, just search U22 up top, this is well known to be a good monitor for gaming/text is good as well)

LG has the 32LD450 also, and then there is the others which cost more which I would not recommend. Just get either of those 2, and watch out with the LG because sometimes they lie and do not include an IPS panel (good luck with returns)
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I bought this set from Amazon two weeks ago. I'm very happy with the Panny as a TV haven't hooked it up to PC yet.
Bought this Tv set and I am extremely happy with it, blu-rays look amazing on it. But computer text doesn't look as sharp compared to my Westy 37w3, by far the best monitor tv I have.
If your text is blurry, change your pixel format settings. It may need to be 4:2:2 instead of 4:4:4.
I believe the L32U22 doesn't support 4:4:4.

I had the L32U22 and I thought the input lag was fairly noticeable, and from testing on avsforum, it looks like the panasonic is one of the slower screens out there right now.
I believe the L32U22 doesn't support 4:4:4.

I had the L32U22 and I thought the input lag was fairly noticeable, and from testing on avsforum, it looks like the panasonic is one of the slower screens out there right now.

That is correct - the L32U22 offers better contrast & overall picture quality than the LG 32LD450, but at the expense of greater input lag and lack of 4:4:4 (which is important for crisp text as a monitor).
i was about to buy 2 and notice the people saying text isnt crisp.. i guess i should see it to judge.. i also dont like lag or ghosting.
2 things. Turn off cleartype fonts, boom, your text will clear up. 2nd. before you decide on a TV for a monitor, make sure you can get it to native mode and that the input lag is minimal.

I found Vizio's input lag, even in "gaming mode" to be utterly terrible. Panny's aren't too bad accourding to the AVS forums. Toshiba's to very well.