Parallel port cable for VFD


[H]F Junkie
Jun 20, 2001
Okay, so I have a few Noritake graphic VFDs lying around, collecting dust. So I figured that it's about time that I wire them up.

I need to construct an interface cable that has a 26-pin female header connector (0.100" pin spacing) on one end, and a male DB25 connector which plugs into the parallel port. This should be a simple affair, but every time I try to make the cable it turns out messy and temperamental, which is frustrating.

What is the best or most "proper" way to construct such a cable? I'm even willing to shell out some money just so I have a reliable connection.

I can give pin assignment details if anyone wants them.
And how is the best way to separate and strip the individual wires from a ribbon cable? Is there a trick?

By the way, the VFDs are Noritake GU128x64-800s.
Wow, needless to say, I'm extremely interested! :cool:

I assume this is a new development and I should just watch LCDInfo? I wouldn't mind buying up to six of those boards if you do a production run, depending on price.

By the way, how is the response times and framerates while under USB?
It is possible for me to build small quantity almost immediately as long as I have parts left. But this can be discussed in email.

One comparison was made using a GU256x64-372 display and 30 fps full screen animation with LCDStudio. Using parallel connection the cpu usage was closer to 100% and with this USB board around 10%. For the smaller GU128x64 it should be lower.
And naturally when you have some less action than 30 fps full screen animation you should have lower cpu usage.

And with other software like LCDInfo it's possible to have lower cpu usage. Another test from the past that I remember was with the GU128x64 and 20 fps 64x32 pixel winamp visualisation and scrolling texts. After one hour of running the total cpu time used by LCDInfo was around 15 seconds according to the windows task manager.

And with just some test programs and maximum framerate tests I remember figures like 150 fps and even higher after some tweaking.
I figured that the framerate was limited by the interface, not the CPU. Hmm, well that sounds encouraging. Thanks for the info.