Paranoid about network sharing


Limp Gawd
Mar 23, 2007
I was transferring files between my two computers on a network and in doing so I had to use that stupid network setup wizard in XP.

Now I’m paranoid that people are going to be able to access everything on my computer when I go to lan parties.

Is there any way to delete the network I set up or make sure nothing it being shared?

I don’t want people browsing my drives after hearing stories about assholes deleting content on other peoples drives.
All the wizard does is take you through the common settings. Just make sure you dpnt have anything shared.
Bring up the properties of the NIC (Start - Settings - Network Connections) and uncheck the box that says File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks. Disable and re-enable the NIC and you're done. That effectively disables the ability for anyone not sitting at that machine to just browse that machine when it's attached to a LAN.

When you're done, re-check the box, disable and re-enable the NIC, done.
Yea, that's why I have never setup a LAN too, I've always been a bit paranoid about lowering my security level by doing so. Don't need a LAN anyway, if I want to transfer files from one PC to another I just use a thumbdrive.
If you use XP pro just disable simple file sharing and use credential based sharing.
An alternative way instead of downright disabling file sharing, is to just turn off the individual share. If you go to Computer Management (right click on My Computer and select Manage), open the "Shared Folders" tree, then open "Shares." This will list out all of the shared drives on your computer. There are some that are listed as default shares, don't mess with those since they are an integral part of Windows, but you should see the folder you set up to share there.

You can outright turn off that particular share, or you can hide it by putting a $ sign at the end of the name. This means that people wont find it in the Network Neighborhood when they look, but you can still map the connection at home, you just have to do it manually. When you map it, it will be something along the lines of \\computername\share$\

Coming from the computer security field, I also recommend setting security permissions on the individual shared folder, but I find that most people don't use passwords in the first place on their home computers (bad idea by the way). To enable the security tab in your folder properties, open the "Folder Options" under the tools menu, go to "View" and uncheck "Use Simple File Sharing." There are a lot of resources out there for enabling secure access just using the windows authentication.

I hope this helps a little, its just never a good idea to start turning of services at the nic when you can do a little more setup and make it secure.
Turn off the Fisher Price Simple File Sharing, and set your shares up properly, using accounts with strong passwords. Even if you go to a LAN, it won't matter.