Parents Far More Worried About Sex Than Violence In Movies


Aug 20, 2006
I hear that nudity can make young children blind.

When asked what concerned them most about movies their kids could see, 80 percent declared "graphic sex scenes," 71 percent pointed at "full male nudity," and 70 percent kvetched about "full female nudity." Graphic violence came below "use of hard drugs." "Horror violence" tied with "marijuana use." "Brief nudity," "partial nudity," "suggestive sexual innuendo" and "nongraphic sex scenes" all worried these parents more than "realistic violence."
They'd better go home and unplug their internet and confiscate smart devices if they're that worried.
My dad let me watch Heavy Metal when i was 8 years old, i turned out just fine.
Maybe that's because my daughter is infinitely more likely to have an unplanned pregnancy, or contract an STD than she is to find herself in the midst of a firefight featuring aliens, giant robots, or lightsabers. Despite current headlines.

Maybe that's because my daughter is infinitely more likely to have an unplanned pregnancy, or contract an STD than she is to find herself in the midst of a firefight featuring aliens, giant robots, or lightsabers. Despite current headlines.


OK? The less she knows about sex, the more likely she is to get an STD.
Glorifying violence and sexual repression are American traditions.

Just watch the news and see the results.
This is following the prediction Cyril Kornbluth wrote about in the 50's; the story was called "Shark Ship".

Good reading; those who forget the past deserve the future.
Maybe that's because my daughter is infinitely more likely to have an unplanned pregnancy, or contract an STD than she is to find herself in the midst of a firefight featuring aliens, giant robots, or lightsabers. Despite current headlines.


You don't think all the violence and killings in the US has anything to do with violence in tv/movies?
While your daughter could grow up just fine, its the other person that wont and could make her a victim.
You don't think all the violence and killings in the US has anything to do with violence in tv/movies?
Could have sworn we were doing better in terms of violence and killings in the US, not worse.
Not gonna lie, I think seeing nudity/sex/porn early in life... has ruined it for me.

While I still think its great and stuff, the basic stuff isn't as exciting.
OK? The less she knows about sex, the more likely she is to get an STD.
Sex in film is a terrible source of education about safe and responsible sex. I'd be perfectly fine with more real sex ed in school and less sex in films kids might see.
Maybe that's because my daughter is infinitely more likely to have an unplanned pregnancy, or contract an STD than she is to find herself in the midst of a firefight featuring aliens, giant robots, or lightsabers. Despite current headlines.


Congrats. You are part of the problem.

States with highest teen pregnancy rates are all states that have the lowest sex education funding or have replaced sex education with teaching abstinence.
Sex in film is a terrible source of education about safe and responsible sex. I'd be perfectly fine with more real sex ed in school and less sex in films kids might see.

At best what you see on tv is a fantastical situation. read - someone's fantasy - not necessarily yours. Absolutely agree that the educational value is generally nil or actually negative.

techrat said:
Congrats. You are part of the problem.

States with highest teen pregnancy rates are all states that have the lowest sex education funding or have replaced sex education with teaching abstinence.

You're reading too much into Hurin's statement. Just because tv/movie sex is the highest on the concern level and on his concern level, does not mean he does not educate his children about REAL sex and its consequences and dangers (and positive values and health benefits when practiced safely).

Parents are right to be concerned because children are learning and impressionable. If they see it on tv enough, even if its just subconscious they'll be more apt to make a similar decision in real life if they haven't been educated and re-enforced with values that help them make better decisions.

That being said, I'm not disputing statistics of your second statement. Only that Hurin's stance is part of the problem.

Abstinence vs School taught sex ed is a separate argument. From my perspective this is really also a question of parental responsibility. Lower levels of sex ed in school are acceptable IF parents are responsible and educate children at home. But the problem is that they do not do this. Some do, some don't. There are statistics for that. Do we need schools to assume this responsibility? Yes. To some degree.
You don't think all the violence and killings in the US has anything to do with violence in tv/movies?

No, but I think all the violence and killings in the US has something to do with the violence in TV and movies.
It's funny, I was brought up in a church environment (confirmed atheist now) and the pastor of the church I went to would watch the most violent movies without blinking. Any hint of a sex scene or anything sexual, though, and he refused to watch it. In christian circles sex has such a stigma to it - it's utterly ridiculous.
Not just christians, many religions have ridiculous attitudes towards sex. The stigma and repression breeds hypocrites, violence towards the opposite sex, closeted fetishists and in the worst cases predators.
Not just christians, many religions have ridiculous attitudes towards sex. The stigma and repression breeds hypocrites, violence towards the opposite sex, closeted fetishists and in the worst cases predators.
Yeah, you're right. The really ridiculous thing is that if they didn't make such a big deal out of it, it wouldn't be such a big deal (duh). Informed people make informed decisions based on facts and knowledge instead of superstition..
Double standards at work. Nudity and sex is the end of the world while brutal murders are fine and dandy. It should be exactly the opposite.
The atmosphere among US citizens is one of frustration, anger and disappointment towards the Federal Government.

Historically, most rebellions from tyranny develop an atmosphere among the masses before it turns to civil war.
You don't think all the violence and killings in the US has anything to do with violence in tv/movies?
While your daughter could grow up just fine, its the other person that wont and could make her a victim.

There's a big difference between cartoon type violence, Super hero (marvel comics) type movies, and the excessive graphic violence in movies like Kill Bill.
Lower levels of sex ed in school are acceptable IF parents are responsible and educate children at home. But the problem is that they do not do this. Some do, some don't.
No, the problem is that kids all have the 'it won't happen to me' belief. I'm pretty old, grew up in the sixties when sex ed in schools was basically a picture on the wall for 10 minutes in health class. But by 8th grade, we knew that we should use condoms. But still, lots didn't. We all know why. Girls of course are taught that the man is always responsible for everything that happens, so lots of them don't bother with any type of birth control, that hasn't changed.

What we have now is a huge problem with girls who WANT to get pregnant. It's pretty simple; we've had reliable birth control now for 50 years. Any female who doesn't want to get pregnant has a couple of methods she can do on her own to prevent it. Yet, almost none of those who get pregnant as teens were using ANY type of birth control. So it stands to reason that they want to get pregnant. Some believe that if they do, it will compel the boy to marry them. Some want the unconditional love that an infant will give them (poor kids have no choice). Others just want to get the status of being considered an adult because they join the ranks of moms. Whichever it is, does not really matter. What does, is that our society is broken, and it's not going to change. With more and more men not wanting to be saddled with a family, it will become more and more a case of the government having to redistribute funds from those who aren't pregnant, to those who are. Because right now, it most often winds up with the teen mom winding up in poverty, and the kid growing up that way; then, the cycle repeats itself.
Most acts of mass violence are premeditated acts committed by crazy people (a small but effective portion of the population) ... sexual acts can occur with anyone in the heat of the moment and hormones can encourage people to do stupid things they will pay for later ... also, since most young adults brains aren't fully mature until their 20's (especially in the areas of analyzing the consequences of their actions) it isn't unreasonable that parents worry more about sex than violence
It's to the point that we have "viral" stories about women who breast feed in public....and the "discussion" we should be having about it. Pretty fucked up, that public breastfeeding is considered controversial. Haven't we been taught by our government that we should do EVERYTHING to protect the children???

I came across a show on YouTube called "Embarrasing Bodies". It's a BBC4 show that takes a look at normal, but taboo, issues that people have with their bodies. And they show the issue, and they show how the people deal with it. There is no censoring, because the British are more understanding about these things.

I think a show like this would be fantastic in America. Put it on prime time television and let people see that other's do not have perfect bodies. It would get people talking about it, and it would let people not feel shamed to go to the doctor. But nooooo, can't show a boob on normal TV, or anything obscene related to the body.
What we have now is a huge problem with girls who WANT to get pregnant. .
That's not accurate, historically that is ONLY what females are useful for in allot of cultures but manly religions. So they want females to get pregnant, but the entire sex thing should be only for that one necessary "evil". They also use it as a power play for male control (must submit to husband regardless, and females are un "pure")
Having sex for fun, enjoyment, etc is complexly the wrong thing to them and the source of evil?
The more religious the more insane . . . A bunch of %@$%@