Partition inaccessible with XP and Promise controller


Jul 18, 2002
I have a 160GB boot disk divided into three FAT32 partitions and connected to a Promise Ultra 100 PCI controller card in an Asrock KTVT4A Pro motherboard based on the VIA VT400 chipset.

A few days ago, the third partition suddenly couldn't be accessed from Windows XP Home, except for the Properties, but it was fine when it was either plugged into the motherboard's IDE controller or if I booted to Windows 98SE (98SE worked with both the motherboard IDE controller and the Promise card).

Reinstalling the Promise card's XP driver didn't help, but the problem cleared up after I did a repair installation of XP. I never installed VIA's 4-in-1 driver, which is rumored to be troublesome.

What the heck happened?