Path of Exile

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Well, light radius was hypothetically useful for low-lifers but theres a node on the tree that fixes that entirely. Plus you needed it on a much greater scale than was really possible.

Reduced attribute requirements is useless because the only attribute requirements that are a pain are generally on Skill gems (unless it affects gems inside it? Didn't think about that). Either way, just rolling 35 dex or whatever is practically always better than 18% reduced attribute requirements anyway.
Well, light radius was hypothetically useful for low-lifers but theres a node on the tree that fixes that entirely. Plus you needed it on a much greater scale than was really possible.

Reduced attribute requirements is useless because the only attribute requirements that are a pain are generally on Skill gems (unless it affects gems inside it? Didn't think about that). Either way, just rolling 35 dex or whatever is practically always better than 18% reduced attribute requirements anyway.

Yea that's how i felt too about it. They already had stats in their mod rolls, so there was no need for reduced requirements.

The funny thing is that I used to praise the mods in PoE because there wasn't anything like "increased gold and health globe pickup radius"

Honestly that useless mod from D3 is actually more beneficial than these two in PoE ><
I could use the increased light radius on a piece of gear, but not at the expense of another stat. Low life + dark zones = spooky! Library is probably the coolest as its nearly pitch black, then you click one of the golden page book stands and things light up, monsters all around.
Yea, Library is cool. Speaking of which, I think Archives is my new non boss run farm zone. XP is on par with level 70 maps.
Good, now you're thinking about theorycrafting.

So, what skills would you like to be using at level 80?

If you're using something like Ice Spear, you're going to want to stack a lot of crit damage, build for faster casting, bump mana regen, add something like lesser multiple projectiles to clear packs easier. This is going to eat up a lot of mana, especially if you're casting very quickly with mods. Mana regen is going to be a big deal, as will a big mana pool. How do you get a big mana pool? Maybe a keystone like Eldritch Battery? OK, now what are you going to do about defensives since your energy shield is now mana? Stack lots of HP? Good. What about reserved mana for auras? Should you link one of them with the Blood Magic support gem which would reserve part of your hp pool and leave the other(s) reserving part of your mana pool? Maybe? How much of your survivability would you like to give up (or gain) by doing so? Are you only going to use cold damage? Should you look into elemental proliferation and cold penetration? Do you want to combine fire and lightning?

That's just a scattershot example of the questions you should ask yourself. Once you have a decent idea of how you want to build, you figure out what gear mods you're going to need. If using something like Eldritch Battery (just an example), you would want high energy shield, resists and HP.

I respond with the same post.

So how do I gear myself to allow that to happen?

None of this helps with obtaining the required gear.'s_Shiver

This staff is pretty much exactly what I'd like. Getting it is the problem I am having.

What kind of Witch are you running? Pure caster or are you using your wand to attack with something like Power Siphon?

If you are a caster you can also keep a look out for a good sceptre as they have anything from 10% to 20% increased Elemental Damage for their implicit mods (PoE wiki, scroll down to the sceptres). They will often roll faster cast speed, increased elemental damage (in addition to the implicit mod), etc. The Quartz/Crystal/Opal Sceptres all have the 20% implicit mod.

Open up your passive tree on the website and grab a link to where you're at so far so we can help.

This is about where I sit right now. Once I find another good curse I'm going to get the duel curse ability. I had enhanced cold damage but I backed out to keep my elemental options open.

Here is the build.

Frost Nova + curse on hit + curses. Currently I use elemental Weakness I need to find another curse gem and double up. This just seems more effective then simply cursing as it does damage and freezes.
a Projectile Skill. I was using Arctic Breath I switched to Ice spear to try it out and wasn't a huge fan. Now I'm using fireball and this seems to be the tits compared to the other two.
Summons. Pretty standard use of summons.

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I respond with the same post.

So how do I gear myself to allow that to happen?

None of this helps with obtaining the required gear.

It's an aRPG... so you get gear like you did in D3 (minus AH)

If you want to play self-found, farm or craft shit until you get the gear you want.
else: spam the trade channel with what you are looking for, then purchase gear from people.

Since they didn't include a tradepost or anything of the like to assist with trading, I'd wager the best way to get around spamming the trade channel is being in a guild where all the members throw their unused stuff in the guild tabs for a community pot.
Dear thread: I'd like to have the absolute best endgame gear available. Please tell me how to get it.
I respond with the same post.

So how do I gear myself to allow that to happen?

None of this helps with obtaining the required gear.'s_Shiver

This staff is pretty much exactly what I'd like. Getting it is the problem I am having.

It helps you figure out which gear you should be trying to get. What gear your build is going to need. There is no such thing as a BiS item for all builds.
Its not as complicated as they want you to believe Steve. High HP and resists or High ES and resists along with DMG mods that fit your build. It's fairly cookie cutter as to what constitutes a good item. There are some niche items that might be as straight forward, but generally its pretty obvious.
It's an aRPG... so you get gear like you did in D3 (minus AH)

If you want to play self-found, farm or craft shit until you get the gear you want.
else: spam the trade channel with what you are looking for, then purchase gear from people.

Since they didn't include a tradepost or anything of the like to assist with trading, I'd wager the best way to get around spamming the trade channel is being in a guild where all the members throw their unused stuff in the guild tabs for a community pot.

The problem I'm having is I'm not getting gear like I would in D3 or D2. I went through the entire second difficulty with the same gear I had in the first....with the exception of my armor. This wasn't by choice nothing better dropped.

Sure I get that gear isn't that important in the game, obviously so I passed an entire difficulty with only 1 upgrade, but something is lost too me when I'm not finding upgrades as I'm progressing.

Is there loot tables or specific bosses known to drop specific items? How important is magic find and do they have a break down of how it works?

Why not go for 6L on your chest? No need to go 2H just for that.

Currently I have a 6 socket armor setup with 4 linked and 2 linked. I spent over 10 of those items that reforges the links trying to get all 6 linked. None of them gave me anything better then 4 and 2....Current its at 3, 2, 1 and I am out of the materials to get it back to 4 and 2.

Do specific armors have link limits? Does armor quality effect how many links can be made? Basically am I wasting my materials trying to get 6 links on a piece of armor that can't get 6 links.

I'd like to have 2 x 6 linked pieces of gear
One For my nova + Curse on hit + 2 curses + extra AOE + attack speed
One For my projectiles. Main projectile + speed + triple shot + Life steal + elemental pierce + extra damage

a 4 socket for Zombies + Specral + HP + damage

Then just random sockets for Regen totem, Purity, Discipline, Ice Armor
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The problem I'm having is I'm not getting gear like I would in D3 or D2. I went through the entire second difficulty with the same gear I had in the first....with the exception of my armor. This wasn't by choice nothing better dropped.


Unfortunately there's nothing more to say about it than that. Remember how many countless posts in the D3 thread were like, "i've played for this many hours and have never found a legendary"?


Sometimes you have it, sometimes you don't.

Unfortunately there's nothing more to say about it than that. Remember how many countless posts in the D3 thread were like, "i've played for this many hours and have never found a legendary"?


Sometimes you have it, sometimes you don't.

Now this is a perfectly exceptable answer. Which means If I play long enough I will in fact get what I'm looking for.

Does anyone know how Item Rarity is factored in, what it does, and should I have more then 60. I know in D3 you had major return after 300 and in D2 it became useless after a certain point.

Now that I'm on the hardest difficulty I'd like to know this some of this stuff before heading into the fray
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Now this is a perfectly exceptable answer. Which means If I play long enough I will in fact get what I'm looking for.

Does anyone know how Item Rarity is factored in, what it does, and should I have more then 60. I know in D3 you had major return after 300 and in D2 it became useless after a certain point.

With the caveat that there is indeed a plateau you'll hit where your gear is good enough that you vendor 99% of everything you find.

I'd also like more info on rarity and quantity. Last i played i had put together a quantity set because having increased item quantity also affects currency drops. Seemed to be doing pretty well for me, aside from the fact that i was a squishy bitch with lame damage ><
Quantity mods have had their returns reduced to be closer in usefulness to rarity. Rarity should scale linearly. This increases your chance of getting rares and uniques instead of whites or blues.

As far as loot RNG goes, that's pretty much it. I've had characters that have gotten stupidly powerful items at low levels, and I've had characters that have gone long periods of time without major upgrades. In the end, a good build will be able to progress to end game. We've all done it, sometimes with non optimal gear and sometimes with somewhat broken builds.

*Do not expect to join 6links with a few fusing orbs. In fact, you'll likely burn through a large amount of them. At this point, 5L is where I would stop in crafting. It may still take quite a few fusing orbs, but until you've reached end game, there is no point in trying for more. Even then, trying to get a 6L item is a waste of time and resources unless you have orbs to burn and nothing better to do.
I'd like to have 2 x 6 linked pieces of gear

we would all love to have 2 x 6L gears. I wouldn't expect to get a single 6L before lvl 60 - on your 2nd character. If you do then it is icing. 6L are both rare and expensive to buy.

A 5L will do you lots of good until you eventually get that 6L. A 5L isn't impossible to get nor that super expensive. I currently have quite a few 5L items and about 3-4 6L items. I've been playing for a hell of a long time.

If you use fusing orbs on a 6 socket item and get 5 links - STOP unless you are wealthy. The chance of getting a 6L is MUCH MUCH lower than getting a 5L. It could easily take way over 1000 fusing orbs to accomplish. Or you could be extremely lucky and get it in under 10.
we would all love to have 2 x 6L gears. I wouldn't expect to get a single 6L before lvl 60 - on your 2nd character. If you do then it is icing. 6L are both rare and expensive to buy.

A 5L will do you lots of good until you eventually get that 6L. A 5L isn't impossible to get nor that super expensive. I currently have quite a few 5L items and about 3-4 6L items. I've been playing for a hell of a long time.

If you use fusing orbs on a 6 socket item and get 5 links - STOP unless you are wealthy. The chance of getting a 6L is MUCH MUCH lower than getting a 5L. It could easily take way over 1000 fusing orbs to accomplish. Or you could be extremely lucky and get it in under 10.

good to know. Do you know if they have limits on what gear can get 6 sockets and 6 links? Can I get armor from act 1 normal and Fuse it till it has 6 sockets and 6 links?
Currently I have a 6 socket armor setup with 4 linked and 2 linked. I spent over 10 of those items that reforges the links trying to get all 6 linked. None of them gave me anything better then 4 and 2....Current its at 3, 2, 1 and I am out of the materials to get it back to 4 and 2.

It took me over 100 orbs to get 6 links. Crafting your gear is extremely frustrating.

I'd like to have 2 x 6 linked pieces of gear
One For my nova + Curse on hit + 2 curses + extra AOE + attack speed
One For my projectiles. Main projectile + speed + triple shot + Life steal + elemental pierce + extra damage

a 4 socket for Zombies + Specral + HP + damage

Then just random sockets for Regen totem, Purity, Discipline, Ice Armor

Start farming orbs. Trade for the gear you want or craft your own, this is really the only way to go about it unless you get lucky and get a drop.
good to know. Do you know if they have limits on what gear can get 6 sockets and 6 links? Can I get armor from act 1 normal and Fuse it till it has 6 sockets and 6 links?

Yes, it is based off of the the ilvl. I don't remember the breakdown, but I don't think you can see a 6 socket item until after level 50 zones. Later in levels, you can have low level gear drop that has max sockets, as the ilvl will be within the level range in the zone. You can link any sockets an item may have.
So i see Spectral Throw is a level 1 ability. Is there some kind of community section i can beg for one of these gems? Im sure they drop like trash for most people but i can't seem to get one. Or what does a 0% quality one go for?
Isn't that the first gem a scion gets at the beginning of the game? Just start a scion up to the first town.
Beginner question here:
Say I am playing a skill gems that are Red do more damage than Blue or Green? Do strength focused classes make better use of Red skills?

I am playing in normal act 3 at the moment and find myself wanting to use spectral throw (green) instead of ground slam and glacial hammer (red).
It took me over 100 orbs to get 6 links. Crafting your gear is extremely frustrating. .

100 fusings for a 6L would fall under the lucky category. I spent over 600 on a shavrones vestment and never got a 6L. Finally sold it as a 5L.

good to know. Do you know if they have limits on what gear can get 6 sockets and 6 links? Can I get armor from act 1 normal and Fuse it till it has 6 sockets and 6 links?

Not sure of the exact level but the item needs to be level 45-50 ish.

also you use jewelers orbs to make sockets then fusings for links. or be the luckiest bastard ever and get a 6l using a jewelers.
Items have to be at least item level 50 to gets 6 sockets / links. Note this is determined by where the item is dropped, not the requirement of the item itself. For example a Quill Rain dropped on Merciless Docks can have 6 sockets / links, whereas one dropped in normal docks cannot.
Items have to be at least item level 50 to gets 6 sockets / links. Note this is determined by where the item is dropped, not the requirement of the item itself. For example a Quill Rain dropped on Merciless Docks can have 6 sockets / links, whereas one dropped in normal docks cannot.

Thank you much. Kind of wish I would have asked this question 2 days ago as it would have saved me a good 20 gems or so.
Thank you much. Kind of wish I would have asked this question 2 days ago as it would have saved me a good 20 gems or so.

back when i started playing i tried really hard to get 4+ sockets on a big ass shield. IT never happened. The shield was huge.. surely there was enough room for 6 sockets..
Woot the final boss of act 1 dropped a new wand. Ups my damage a ton as it does 50% elemental damage with a red, green and blue socket. Good gear makes a pretty big difference....Not a D3 difference but still a very noticeable difference.
I've been wanting to try that gem with enduring cry/molten shell/increased duration but I can't afford it right now.

So I grabbed that cast on damage taken gem out of the guild stash and tried this combo out on one of my softcore characters and it's pretty op. Watching everything that sourrounds me just blow up, I dont even need to ground slam enemies.
Had some time to play yesterday and decided I was going to do a crit / elementalist build. Started a shadow and got to around lvl 23. So much crit. I have like 20+% on ice spear
Mungojerrie - my ice spear witch has 49.6% crit with 405% dmg, its pretty nice till end game then thats not enough as i am not able to live long... had to neglect defense for offense. However, its my farming character so i dont really care anyway lv66.
Mungojerrie - my ice spear witch has 49.6% crit with 405% dmg, its pretty nice till end game then thats not enough as i am not able to live long... had to neglect defense for offense. However, its my farming character so i dont really care anyway lv66.

Hey are ice spear builds not really viable endgame? I am lvl 53 and it seems all right but not sure how much longer it will be.
Properly supported and geared, Ice Spear scales in damage well. I see quite a few people using it in their 80s. Hell, I have Ice Spear set up as my primary single target damage spell. I use Freezing Pulse more, but Ice Spear is what I use to keep bosses on lockdown for my minions.
Sorry, when i say Ice Spear - i use it with dual totems. my actual char uses ice spear and cold snap as backup with frostbite.

i ran the area all the way to dominus last night and it was a slow go, it can probably be made viable however i was pushing for max crit chance (at range i am 99.2% chance to crit).

most enemies are easy, but bosses prove a problem, wasnt able to beat dominus (got to last form and just couldnt withstand it).

FYI it takes several runs to kill piety, but she is killable with my build.
OP but damn fun. Even if it is nerfed, I expect it to be a part of many builds.

Yep I won't complain even if it is nerfed as long as it keeps casting enduring cry, I hate having to cast that skill every 10-20 seconds.
Btw i got a nice suprise last night on my mara, was checking my stash and changed over from 2h mace to 2h axe, as apparently i had a 424dps axe that wasnt being used. So the skill reset worked out ok for him.
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