PAX East


Limp Gawd
Sep 14, 2008
are there any [H] 'ers going? or should I try my hand a journalism and see if I can remember how to rite propurley...:cool:
You may want to work on your journalism/writing skills even now... That or your baiting.
yes it seems it was sarcasm.

Since I'm in texas I would love to see a write-up/ "blog" of it. maybe kyle could even post it on the front page...
I'm in Boston, but I'm not planning on going- Chemo sucks. It's enough just to get through the days some days let alone go to something like PAX.
I wish I was going, but wasn't really paying attention to when it was due to being out of work at the time and having no money at all.

There's always next year I guess.
Wish i could go. Alot of my guild mates are going. I did get to go to pax last year in seattle