Payday 2 - 4 Pack

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Jan 12, 2007
[H]ey guys,

Payday 2 release is almost upon us - August 13th! I would like to know if there are any more stragglers, like myself, who are interested in getting a group buy going.

For those interested, it is $89.00 for 4 Steam keys with BETA access. For the math illiterate, that's $22.50 a key! :D I have had great success with group buys in the past.


Hardforum thread:

-PayPal only please
-PM if interested. First come, first served

4 Payday Steam Keys (Four Pack spots) - $22.00 each

I have 0 spots left for the pack
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Dammit, I just bought this yesterday because no one had a 4-pack...

GMG has it for $24 with a coupon code if you guys don't get in on this one.
Dammit, I just bought this yesterday because no one had a 4-pack...

GMG has it for $24 with a coupon code if you guys don't get in on this one.

May I have the coupon code, please?:)

Do you have any spots left?
Thanks for all your interest! All spots are filled.

PMs replied to.

Awaiting payment from 2 individuals.
1 spot back up. Sent PMs out to those who were waiting.
role playing robbery game..........hmmmmmmm. I mean, why not a terrorism game, backpack bombs, pressure cookers, suitcase mass destruction bombs. Where does it end? No holes barred I guess. Nice deal though.
Last spot gone.

Thanks all for your interest!

Slats, ever seen the movie Heat? Or played any other form of entertainment that includes some sort of violence? GTA perhaps?
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