Payment methods other than paypal?


Aug 24, 2005
I don't have paypal (or at least a way to get money from it) and I prefer not to do business with them.

Are money orders acceptable as a seller, or do I need to give a discount for the inconvenience of them or what?

Just curious because I hate paypal.
There are zero rules here about acceptable payment options (provided you're not advertising anything illegal), so you're free to use whatever method you prefer. Some people won't deal with MO's, but I've seen several put them as acceptable tender. Postal Money orders are the gold standard of trading though, and most people who take MO's accept Postal only.
MO doesn't differ at all. although you should really secure it when you send it out. like signature confirmation and whatnot. and its only 1.50 for an MO from you local post office or 711.

also requires identification in order to get the MO money

another option is googlecheckout if you ever heard of it. no fee's i heard.
GC has fees, and has for a couple of years now. It was free for a few months upon introduction.
Money Orders are the best if you don't have anything electronic... you could see if the seller does COD, but it's rare and more complicated than MOs...

but of course, unless you have high heat (or the person trusts you), its hard to get MO as a new seller
While legit, this site wants your social security number, and has zero buyer/seller protections. It's like handing someone cash, but over the internet. I would only use it with someone very trusted.

Does anyone know of any laws that would require these folks to ask for a SSN?

If not, why are they asking? I'm extremely wary of giving anyone my SSN, especially when not required by law. A name & SSN in the hands of an identity thief is enough to cause massive amounts of chaos.
money orders are fine by many, i'll even take a check from a known trader
While legit, this site wants your social security number, and has zero buyer/seller protections. It's like handing someone cash, but over the internet. I would only use it with someone very trusted.

This site is legit .. I've used a few times in the past. The issue is that you have to have a checking account and funding a payment takes time (whereas Paypal fronts the money for you). Paypal offers little to none protection (de-facto, not the de-jure) for transactions outside of ebay, so not having protection is hardly a disadvantage for RME. Also, RME does not charge fees.

If compared to Postal MO, RME sounds a bit more adequate for trades, as (at least in theory) provides more ways to recover money if the buyer does not get what (s)he paid for.
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I would say USPS MO...Ive never had any issues what so ever and everyone Ive done business with never has an issue with it...its honestly the most secure payment method other than meeting in person to do a face to face transaction. I honestly wouldnt and couldnt recommend anything else. Also, with signature required and you having an actual paper receipt that can be traced, its also very secure on your end as well. Period.
I would say USPS MO...Ive never had any issues what so ever and everyone Ive done business with never has an issue with it...its honestly the most secure payment method other than meeting in person to do a face to face transaction. I honestly wouldnt and couldnt recommend anything else. Also, with signature required and you having an actual paper receipt that can be traced, its also very secure on your end as well. Period.
AndroidVageta, I don't have as extensive experience as you seem to have with Postal MOs. What's my recourse if I send a Postal MO to a seller and then receive a significantly not as described item or no item at all? My understanding thus far has been that I'd simply be out of money. Am I missing some important piece of knowledge about Postal MOs?
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It's not like paypal can do anything for you if the seller was determined to cheat.