PayPal "secure card"


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 3, 2005
they claim it can only be used for 1 day when you generate it. this is supposed to be the "secure" part. but when a company re-used my "one day use" "secure card" 40 days later, i found out that you have to log on to paypal and close the card out. i got this information over the phone with paypal, the second time i called about my dispute. this info is nowhere to be found on the site, nowhere does it say you have to close the card or some asshole can just charge to it whenever he feels like it. this is not really my isea of secure. i got "free" teeth whitening stuff for shipping and handling ($5.00). i got this deal in the free stuff forum. in the small print, it says that you have to cancel in 30 days or they will start shipping you this crap (a tooth brush, some plastic things to go over your teeth, and a tube of toothpaste) and charging $88. i cancelled the next day. well long story short, 40 days later they charge $88 to my 1 day use secure card and paypal oks it. i immediately put in a dispute ( i guess it would be informative to tell you that i didnt even receive any more of their crap anyway) and paypal said they would deal with it. 5 weeks later, today, i call to find out what happened "there is no dispute on this charge. oh wait, there is a note here" so they took all my info last month and yessed me to death and then didnt do jack shit about it. so i have another dispute in, another trouble ticket number and "assurances" that it will be dealt with "within 30 days". sure.

anyway, do not buy anything from an online company called inwin whitening. and dont use paypal "secure" cards. i would not be suprised if even if you closed it out, it could be used again anyway.
I've found that my CC company handles these disputes the instant I call them versus weeks with paypal. I think your better off with a CC.
Nope, Capital One. Visa, actually accepted by retailers.

I have insurance with AMEX, but it doesn't seem like many places accept AMEX.
yea i know cc handles these disputes much faster but the point was these were supposed to be one use virtual cards. which i assumed meant that nobody could ever use them again. which i assumed would be more secure than a standard cc. i was mistaken.
Leave it to paypal to screw a great idea up.
Virtual Cards through PayPal have always been a mess. The control panel didnt work properly for years on my account and then they came out with the new version that just blows.

The old version did auto close the card and such, worked great, besides the control panel not showing up for about 50% of the users (they even confirmed that to me on the phone).

Paypal is good for paypal, I use my credit card for CC stuff (i get virtual numbers through my CC as well) ;)
i have the plug in, and i use the old one (the new one doesnt show up), and it still didnt close my "1 use" card.
Paypal is the Devil. This is just another reason why if I have to use Paypal, I will opt to use my CC. [sarcasm] Oh no, I'm not protected by PayPal if I use my CC. [/sarcasm] HA, tell that to my CC company. :rolleyes:
So...when I have the choice on Newegg to either use Paypal or my debit card, I should stick with my debit card?
no, you can use regular paypal without this problem. when you have the paypal plug-in. you have the option of using a 1 time use virtual mastercard purchase an item. some places do not take paypal, so now you can use a credit card for 1 use and be secure. only now i find out that you have to close them out, or someone can use it up to 2 months later.
Thanks OP for this info. I never knew about having to close out a one day use card. Today I found 3 of those still open. This doesn't make much sense to me from a security point of view.
pretty much no sense. you, the buyer and holder of the card, can only use the card 1 day. but the seller can use it at will for 60 days. and the nifty bit of info about closing the cards out, i cant find on the web site.