PC Fight Stick


May 20, 2006
Any recommendations for something not really expensive but decent to use on the PC for a Fight Stick for say Street fighter, i sold all my xbox 360 stuff saving up for Xbox one but i was thinkin of picking up street fighter on steam kinda got a scratch to play some fighter lately since killer instinct stuff.:confused:
I think you can use any of the 360 branded sticks and pads on the PC. Because of EVO, I believe several of the TTT2 branded sticks were on sale, too.
You can use the PS3 ones as well, although you'l probably have to tinker around with the 3rd party Motioninjoy drivers.
Any recommendations for something not really expensive but decent to use on the PC for a Fight Stick for say Street fighter, i sold all my xbox 360 stuff saving up for Xbox one but i was thinkin of picking up street fighter on steam kinda got a scratch to play some fighter lately since killer instinct stuff.:confused:

Here's the rub, any of the sticks that are using quality Sanwa or Seimitsu parts are going to to cost roughly the same amount. It doesn't matter if it's Madcatz, Hori (or one of the others that jumped in but those are the main ones), you're in for 120-150 depending on the particular version, older ones are cheaper. If you go with Korean parts (almost as good, though close enough it can be preference) the price is going to be in the same ballpark but can be 20 bucks cheaper.

Everything else is crap and you shouldn't touch it at all. They are using crappier buttons and crappier joysticks that are honestly horrible. There's no middle ground here, if it uses quality parts prepare for 120+ MSRP, if you aren't willing to pay that don't bother.
this is probably what you want for a fighting game...I have no idea what the country of origin for the switches is.
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this is probably what you want for a fighting game...I have no idea what the country of origin for the switches is.

You going to have a fun time with this...... :cool:
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While I think the 360 pad might be the worst fighting game controller of all time, there are people at the biggest tournaments that use 'em and some even do pretty well.
At the same time, there are quite a few people that play with the PS3 pad. If that's what you prefer, there are some very high level players that use it.
While I think the 360 pad might be the worst fighting game controller of all time, there are people at the biggest tournaments that use 'em and some even do pretty well.
At the same time, there are quite a few people that play with the PS3 pad. If that's what you prefer, there are some very high level players that use it.

While there are some players who do well with control pads... nobody has ever won EVO or SBO with one, the overwhelming majority of top (and even good players) don't use them and are stick only(even remotely good pad players are such a rarity they garner a lot of attention as an oddity).

He wants a stick anyways, luckily there are a ton of sticks out there to choose. Though the defacto answer of everyone is going to remain madcatz TE or hori real arcade pro SA.

For PC, the xbox controllers work natively. The PS3 joysticks generally do (some do some don't) but are really finicky about the USB chipset. If it's not an intel one don't count on it working. They use some goofy variant of USB that has fits with all nvidia chipsets and some AMD. This is strictly a Sony clusterfuck, even though the stupid things state on them they will work with the PC.
SnakeEyez won EVO's SSF2 HD Remix using a pad and has finished pretty high in SF4 with one. Ditto with Wolfkrone. Exceptions, sure...but there are more every year now that people aren't growing up with cabinets.
In Tekken there have been people winning with pads pretty much since the arcade scene dried up.
As always, only about 1 in a million players actually make the top levels of EVO, so it's not like any of that matters anyway. No different than wanting Michael Jordon's shoes for basketball I guess. Just saying that you don't have to use a stick to do well, especially if you're playing on the PC. I've stuffed my fair share of people with pricy sticks. If he's looking to go cheap, you can go much cheaper on a pad. That said, I'd *still* avoid the 360 controller. The PS3 pad and the data cable has been nice for me with emulators.
My xarcade has worked well for me. It's not high-end but it gets the job done and it was cheap. It may have issues with games that don't allow full mapping because everything is mapped to a keyboard button. It's also upgradable which is nice if I ever become an joystick elitist.

Pads can also work well, but it doesn't really match an arcade feel. I agree the 360 pad sucks for fighters - I prefer keyboard.
I know you said FightStick, but I had this with my xbox 360 when I had it


Great d-pad, and awesome button layout.

looks nice but shesh $70 beans.

yeah i saw a guy get 2nd place in Injustice with a Standard Controller at least it appeared to be it wasnt a fight stick.. well i guess ill just wait cuz im planning on buying the Killer Instict mad catz fight stick for KI when it comes out... However maybe i wll pick up just a standard cheap 360 controller for PC, im gonna need one anyway once Dark Souls 2 comes out.


i see there might be some deals on that fight pad on ebay.
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If you are willing to spend the money, it doesn't get better than X-Arcade. It is a real arcade stick (well two of them rather) and buttons with a PC interface.

It doesn't get any better.
If you are willing to spend the money, it doesn't get better than X-Arcade. It is a real arcade stick (well two of them rather) and buttons with a PC interface.

It doesn't get any better.

That sucks. X-arcade uses American parts, don't buy American at any cost, shitty stuff, made by shitty people, charging way to high prices. People ran screaming from cheap American shit the moment there was another option.

If you MUST buy American crap get a MAS from arcade shock, which uses better parts and is better made.
make you own! i made mine and it was a blast to do. Pick up a blank box and all the electronics and have a unique stick!

If you are willing to spend the money, it doesn't get better than X-Arcade. It is a real arcade stick (well two of them rather) and buttons with a PC interface.

It doesn't get any better.

I have one and I disagree. There are much higher quality sticks out there, but it's not like it's total crap either (at least my original model). Depending on the price it might be a good option.
well for now i decided to wait on Fight Stick, I just bought a Street fighter fight pad in Mint Condition girl owned for $30 beans on eBay so that will keep me occupied on my PC for a while.. And I’ll get a nice fight stick later this year when X1 comes out with Killer instinct.

thanks guys for the suggestions.
I have one and I disagree. There are much higher quality sticks out there, but it's not like it's total crap either (at least my original model). Depending on the price it might be a good option.

i own an one also, and i thought it was pretty good, until i got the Mad catz special edition street fighter stick. the arcade x is really crap in comparision, and it pretty cost the same.
Time to hijack this thread.

We need to get a [H] street fighter 4 group going. Hit me up on steam.

Steam = theto3
GFWL= theto3
I think you can use any of the 360 branded sticks and pads on the PC. Because of EVO, I believe several of the TTT2 branded sticks were on sale, too.
You can use the PS3 ones as well, although you'l probably have to tinker around with the 3rd party Motioninjoy drivers.

I have a Madcatz PS3 TE and this is flat out wrong. The PS3 TE will not work in any form with manyyyy motherboards due to a UHCI related issue with the USB controllers. Luckily my 3rd party USB3 Asmedia controller works with it and it recognizes it without issue (or drivers/software) and I can use it fine.

It's very risky to buy a PS3 stick and hope that it works with your PC. Much safer to buy another brand that is dual compatible (usually X360, PC). There are even some that are PS3, X360, PC compatible.
Time to hijack this thread.

We need to get a [H] street fighter 4 group going. Hit me up on steam.

Steam = theto3
GFWL= theto3

There's nobody good at all on Steam though. PC is the kiddie pool of fighting games, everybody remotely decent plays on console. The PC is OK for modding the game, but for actual competition you might as well be fighting the training dummy.

I'm not joking at all about this either, nobody remotely better than a four year old plays fighters on the PC, it's a waste of your time unless you can get some sucker to play you locally or you really like custom costumes for your characters.

There are various reasons for this, the Japanese not playing games on the PC outside of dating/rape simulators (the PC is for losers and perverts there, you have no idea the sort of crap the publish, it's funny in a sick way), the PS3 being the standard competition platform, fighting gamers in general not liking PC gaming and looking down on those who do game on it, but it's utterly devoid of any talent or skill. Anybody who's any good, or has any self respect as a fighting game player isn't going to be caught dead playing on the PC.

If you want multiplayer for fighters and aren't horrible, just get a cheap used PS3 or even 360 and the game. Don't be a noob.
yeah because 4 year olds have good PC's and Play on steam.

If anything steam is more for adults and consoles for kids...

Either Way.. I'll hit you guys up on steam, my controller though wont be here for prob a week so i wont be playing any street fighter until then.. instead i'll be on Scrolls.
There's nobody good at all on Steam though. PC is the kiddie pool of fighting games, everybody remotely decent plays on console. The PC is OK for modding the game, but for actual competition you might as well be fighting the training dummy.

I'm not joking at all about this either, nobody remotely better than a four year old plays fighters on the PC, it's a waste of your time unless you can get some sucker to play you locally or you really like custom costumes for your characters.

There are various reasons for this, the Japanese not playing games on the PC outside of dating/rape simulators (the PC is for losers and perverts there, you have no idea the sort of crap the publish, it's funny in a sick way), the PS3 being the standard competition platform, fighting gamers in general not liking PC gaming and looking down on those who do game on it, but it's utterly devoid of any talent or skill. Anybody who's any good, or has any self respect as a fighting game player isn't going to be caught dead playing on the PC.

If you want multiplayer for fighters and aren't horrible, just get a cheap used PS3 or even 360 and the game. Don't be a noob.

Dude, come play FinalAura and I. He especially is good. And no one ever said we were training for major tourneys or anything like that. We're trying to get a group together to have fun on steam. And I've came across some absolute beasts on SSF4AE PC. Do you play on PC often? If not how can you make such bold claims? I'd be willing to bet FinalAura would make you his bitch in a first to 5. Lets find out!
Haha you give me too much credit.

In regards to a fight stick, any of the mad cats fight sticks for 360 is awesome. It's safer to buy a 360 stick than a ps3 stick due to usb techical issues.

You may think I'm crazy for recommending mad cats but they're fight sticks are very good quality, and they have definitely stepped up
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I'm full casual baddy. If I can come, post up a date and time for online and I'll try to show up. I usually just play a friend. I don't use the online much.
yeah because 4 year olds have good PC's and Play on steam.

If anything steam is more for adults and consoles for kids...

Either Way.. I'll hit you guys up on steam, my controller though wont be here for prob a week so i wont be playing any street fighter until then.. instead i'll be on Scrolls.

You're missing the point. Top players and good players do not play fighters on PC, they are all on console or their own personal arcades. People who want to play against good players follow them onto consoles as well. Some of the reasons are cultural (Japanese), others are due to the community just flat out not being the PC gaming types, but the end result is the same. Good players don't play fighters on the PC.

It's just an unavoidable fact, claiming there are good fighting game players on the PC is like claiming there were good Quake 3 players on the Dreamcast or good Command and Conquer players on the N64. It's just the wrong platform to find people who are good at the game, the community just isn't on it.

Dude, come play FinalAura and I. He especially is good. And no one ever said we were training for major tourneys or anything like that. We're trying to get a group together to have fun on steam. And I've came across some absolute beasts on SSF4AE PC. Do you play on PC often? If not how can you make such bold claims? I'd be willing to bet FinalAura would make you his bitch in a first to 5. Lets find out!
Today 03:20 PM

I checked it out and well... Quake 3 on Dreamcast was closer to actual Quake 3 on PC level players by leaps and bounds than Street Fighter on PC was close to the console levels. In fact I'd say console FPS players are vastly closer to PC FPS players on all levels full stop than PC fighting game players are to console ones.

I play competitively in monthly local events with cash entry, I go up to NYC at least monthly as well for competition there, there is a local group of EVO caliber players, many top 8 level players and some who have been flown out to Japan for SBO. I know who the good players are and play against them, none of them would be caught dead on the PC, there's nobody on it.

I bought the game for all platforms just to give Capcom money because I like the games. I've seen the abomination that is the PC talent pool, and it's a truly comedic train wreck. The people on it are so bad your skills will get worse if you lower yourself into that pool.

I certainly wouldn't recommend people go for Quake on console, nobody worth a shit is on the console they all suck. Same logic for fighters on the PC. Everything on the proper platform.
You're missing the point. Top players and good players do not play fighters on PC, they are all on console or their own personal arcades. People who want to play against good players follow them onto consoles as well. Some of the reasons are cultural (Japanese), others are due to the community just flat out not being the PC gaming types, but the end result is the same. Good players don't play fighters on the PC.

It's just an unavoidable fact, claiming there are good fighting game players on the PC is like claiming there were good Quake 3 players on the Dreamcast or good Command and Conquer players on the N64. It's just the wrong platform to find people who are good at the game, the community just isn't on it.

I checked it out and well... Quake 3 on Dreamcast was closer to actual Quake 3 on PC level players by leaps and bounds than Street Fighter on PC was close to the console levels. In fact I'd say console FPS players are vastly closer to PC FPS players on all levels full stop than PC fighting game players are to console ones.

I play competitively in monthly local events with cash entry, I go up to NYC at least monthly as well for competition there, there is a local group of EVO caliber players, many top 8 level players and some who have been flown out to Japan for SBO. I know who the good players are and play against them, none of them would be caught dead on the PC, there's nobody on it.

I bought the game for all platforms just to give Capcom money because I like the games. I've seen the abomination that is the PC talent pool, and it's a truly comedic train wreck. The people on it are so bad your skills will get worse if you lower yourself into that pool.

I certainly wouldn't recommend people go for Quake on console, nobody worth a shit is on the console they all suck. Same logic for fighters on the PC. Everything on the proper platform.

Then play us on steam for fun man. We're not trying to convince anyone to ditch their console version..We just want get a group from [H] together for some rounds. I don't think anyone is challenging you on whether or not the pro's are on PC. Tournys are played on consoles so thats what they are gonna play on. We get that.
Agreed. Just because everybody is bad doesn't mean you can't have fun.
The fighting game community are an odd bunch. While well-meaning and good people overall, if you check the main sites online you'd think 95% of them are EVO champs in hiding and that there's no such thing as casual play. I used to be really into the Tekken world and looking back I kind of laugh at some of the dumb things people use to go on and on about back then.
The amount of people playing at a truly "high level" is about 0.01% so most of the banter going back on forth online is moot for the majority of people anyway.
i picked up the game on steam yesterday for $15 im xTweakerx on windows live

however my controller prob wont be here til next week. i havent played in a long time so im prob gonna suck beans for awhile again.
360 Madcatz fight stick work great for PC. You can also mod the shit out of them. Pics of my fight stick below.

Steam: Solhokuten
The MadCats TE fightsticks are like a big chunk of arcade heaven. They are awesome.

HOWEVER, THE 360 AND PS3 STICKS PROBABLY WILL NOT WORK WITH PS4 AND XBOX 1 if my google search is accurate. So I would not buy any stick now.