PC Games for sale.


Sep 8, 2005
Price includes shipping. All games like new in original boxes. Will accept checks, money orders or Pay-Pal. I'm a new member here but have been a member on several other forums and I have two web sites to show who i am and where I'm from. PM me if interested and I'll give you the links. Thanks!

1. Quake 4 ........$25.00 SOLD

2. COD 2 ..........$25.00 SOLD

3. Half-Life 2......$20.00 SOLD

4. Doom 3 ........$15.00

5. Max Pane 2 ...$10.00

6. Painkiller........$10.00

7. The Suffering...$10.00

8. Chaser...........$10.00
i'll take quake 4 if you still have it. let me know and i will send you money via paypal tonight when i get home.

blarf said:
i'll take quake 4 if you still have it. let me know and i will send you money via paypal tonight when i get home.


Thanks, it's yours! E-mail Received.
I don't see COD2 as being sold yet, do you still have it? If so, let me know and I'll take it. PM sent, Thank you!

Kathy, I have a sale pending on COD2, just waiting for payment. If he changes his mind it's yours. Thanks!

Also, I've added 3 more games to the list.
Warrior said:
do you have heatware?

No, didn't even know what that was until another member asked me about it. I've been buying and selling on the internet for a long time. Here's my web site ( link ) to show who I am. If you PM me I can give you links to other web sites where I'm a member also. Hope that helps, Thanks!
Kathy, if you still want COD2 it yours, pm me if your still interested?
Kraco said:
No, didn't even know what that was until another member asked me about it. I've been buying and selling on the internet for a long time. Here's my web site ( link ) to show who I am. If you PM me I can give you links to other web sites where I'm a member also. Hope that helps, Thanks!
well since the first you heard about it have you been usuing it at all?.. its a great way to see the progress of the buyer or seller in terms of, well a good or bad on. Not saying your a bad seller, im saying i recomend it
If someone out there is even slightly thinking about Painkiller , do yourself a favor and BUY THIS GAME! One of the best FPS's out there IMHO.

Bump for ya.