pc not turning on


Oct 22, 2003
alright so I about 30 minutes ago I go to clean up my case, i turn off the pc and what not, move around some cables and go to hook everything back up, turn it on and nothing happens. this HAS happened to me before once, but i just let it go for the night and went to go turn it on the next morning and boom, it starts up fine. however, i can see a green light on the mobo and it doesn't smell like anything is burning. any help is appreciated :rolleyes:
take of the power plug from the psu for several minuties and turn it back on
this works for me
pull the PSU cord, make sure all your cables are secure, and then replace PSU cord and try again

edit: what PSU is it?
This happened to me a few days ago, under the almost same situation, and it was my PSU.

Basically, the guy that ended up fixing it (it's a Dell, so I had it fixed under warranty) said it was from me unplugging it, and it still have some charge left in it. When I plugged it back in, it blew the PSU. I still got the mobo light, but no fans, nothing. He replaced the PSU, and lo and behold, it was fixed.