PC Power and Cooling silencer 750 or Corsair 750TX?


Sep 5, 2002
So I've been doing my research for a couple weeks now and I have narrowed my options down to a PC Power and Cooling silencer 750 and a Corsair 750TX. I am now forced to get a new PSU seeing as I got my GTS 250 in the mail today and it has 2 6-Pin PCI-E Connectors and my Antec TruePower 430 only has 1 connector, and obviously won't cut it anyway. My question here is, which one should I go with? I know everyone loves Corsair PSUs, but I have had a PCP&C 650W in my server running 24/7 for like 5 years. Also the PCP&C one is $10 less than the corsair one, although that's not much of a factor. I was just looking for some input on whether PCP&C is still as good as they were after being bought by OCZ (I think it was them)? And also the DOA and longevity factor is a huge breaking point for me.

Thanks in advance guys,
The Silencer 750W is slightly better than the TX750, so that would be my recommendation. Since it's cheaper to begin with, there's little point in going with the Corsair unless you really want the larger fan.
Check out the reviews on hardocp.com The PC Power silencer rates a gold while the Corsair gets a silver award.

I just bought the silencer myself.
I also just bought the Silencer 750W as well as a 1TB Caviar Green and the total was 199.98, not a bad deal since I get a $30 MIR on the PSU. My stuff will be here on monday, I'm so stoked.
So I've been doing my research for a couple weeks now and I have narrowed my options down to a PC Power and Cooling silencer 750 and a Corsair 750TX. I am now forced to get a new PSU seeing as I got my GTS 250 in the mail today and it has 2 6-Pin PCI-E Connectors and my Antec TruePower 430 only has 1 connector, and obviously won't cut it anyway. My question here is, which one should I go with? I know everyone loves Corsair PSUs, but I have had a PCP&C 650W in my server running 24/7 for like 5 years. Also the PCP&C one is $10 less than the corsair one, although that's not much of a factor. I was just looking for some input on whether PCP&C is still as good as they were after being bought by OCZ (I think it was them)? And also the DOA and longevity factor is a huge breaking point for me.

Thanks in advance guys,
Ive had 2 of the silencers ( still have one in fact in use ) and they never let me down. they run 250's in CF just fine... and in fact folding on them also holds nice with them
I was just looking for some input on whether PCP&C is still as good as they were after being bought by OCZ (I think it was them)? And also the DOA and longevity factor is a huge breaking point for me.

PCP&C still makes those Silencers off the old Seasonic-platform (same as for instance the Corsair HX520/620), a platform which maybe is a bit long in the tooth now, but it's by no means bad, and i don't think OCZ wants to muck around with them by dictating changes to their PSUs. Personally I'm looking at the new Corsair HX750 tho.
I have the PC P&C in my rig and love it. Right now my rig isn't even getting it warmed up but I'm comfortable it will handle anything I throw at it. I will never have more than 2 GPU's in my rig ever (and most likely only one) so I am good to go for many years of rebuilds.