PC Power & Cooling Silencer Mk III 750W PSU Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
PC Power & Cooling Silencer Mk III 750W PSU Review - PC Power & Cooling is back on our test bench today and it has been a while. Today it is promising "industrial-grade performance and stability," with "ultimate efficiency," and "ultra-quiet operation" with its Silencer Mk III 750 watt PSU. We put it to the test to see if OCZ has done anything to return its PSUs to your next build.
really like the DIN connectors for the modular cables
So now that Toshiba owns OCZ and therefore PCP&C what happens to the brand? Is this the last ooh-rah of the brand?
Either the graphic or the summary for the 80Plus testing is wrong. The graphic shows it being ~85%-88%-84% efficient, the summary says it is 87.71%-90.33%-87.31%.
So now that Toshiba owns OCZ and therefore PCP&C what happens to the brand? Is this the last ooh-rah of the brand?

Toshiba only bought out the SSD business. PCP&C is still OCZ, and OCZ is going through bankruptcy. They aren't entirely insolvent... yet.
So now that Toshiba owns OCZ and therefore PCP&C what happens to the brand? Is this the last ooh-rah of the brand?

OEM manufactured, no support,no warranty, parent company broke.........I'd say that PC P&C is DOA.
PC P&C is a shell of its former self. Now it's just a brand label slapped onto a cheap OEM product.
I remember the ads in the back of PC Computing magazine...
Since Toshiba didn't take the PSU business, there is hope that a good PSU maker will pick them up cheap and maintain the brand quality where it was before OCZ got their hands on it.
Since Toshiba didn't take the PSU business, there is hope that a good PSU maker will pick them up cheap and maintain the brand quality where it was before OCZ got their hands on it.

Other than competition, why even consider this when you have the likes of Corsair and Seasonic at present.

Both have quality products, great prices and excellent support, especially Corsair.:D

But, Yeah......PC P&C was the schizzle......I still have two 510 SLI and a 850 Server PSU rocking like they were brand new.
Every PSU I got is from PC Power & Cooling all the way back from 2003 still running! Sadly for my upcoming build I will have to look else where.
I bought a PC PNC Silencer 1 about 6 years ago. Thing is still kickin and has not given me any trouble. Shame the brand is going away. I really did not realize that OCZ was in such bad shape financially. While I never had much luck with...well any of their products...It's odd seeing that name possibly going away, like when BFG went under.
Many, many moons ago I bought a Turbo-cool 400W--500W--350W? I cannot honestly remember. It was one of the first PSU's to sport multiple power rails, considered a big advancement in PSU tech at the time. Never had any trouble with it--built like a tank, but overall I was disappointed, and not just by the premium price (premium prices are fine for premium products)--it sounded like an aircraft jet engine spinning up (not even close to a 140mm fan!)...;)...and I remember that the cables were too short for my preferences--had to use some extensions as I recalled. This went along with the PCP&C credo of insanely tight voltage fluctuations related to the length of the wiring harnesses and connectors, etc., or so it was said...:(

Anyway, I was satisfied but never bought another as the subsequent PSU's I bought were cheaper, quieter, and seemed just as capable in actual use and had the features I wanted that the PCP&C psu's lacked. Plus, I also noticed that through the years PCP&C products didn't seem to advance and change much at all--which also was off-putting. That is, the very problems I saw in my initial purchase were not addressed until years after I lost interest in the brand. Never quite understood that. It was as if the company's motto became: "We're the best and you can't improve upon perfection, so why change a thing?"--but that's just silly. I didn't buy it.

I'm not really a PSU buff at all, if you can't tell...;)...But I gather that the multiple-rail philosophy has come full circle and now single rails are preferred again...? I think I'd prefer one 12v rail pushing 60 amps to 4 pushing 15a apiece, but I'm still a relative novice when it comes to PSUs--so you guys who know--is that right? Has multiple-rail tech gone out of favor since those early PCP&C designs?

Very good review, btw! As noted, the "7-year-warranty" creates a pretty box sticker but isn't apparently worth anything--it's just too bad that the original PCP&C owners can't buy back the name--which doesn't seem to have been ruined by the OCZ mishandling. Bet it could sell for a fire-sale price. In the right hands the brand might distinguish itself again, but as you know, the competition is much fiercer than it was in those early PCP&C days, and today premium prices have really got to be justified.

But I did like the white! Very much, actually, and I'm not generally concerned with the cosmetics of what goes inside my case as I want to use it not look at it...;) I'm so crusty and old-fashioned I think any PCB color apart from green is irrelevant and purely a gimmick that adds nothing of value to the product. But I like this white design--it's got a "clean room" kind of quality to it--well, at least to me...;)
I realize a lot of people are brand loyal, but tbh, PCP&C haven't been anything "special" since 2007/2008. Even if the brand goes away, there are so many other excellent manufacturers on the market.
I have PCPC psu from pre-2000 that are still running. I've never bought anything else but PCPC psu since. None of their product has ever failed me nor have any of the fans gone bad/louder.
PC P&C is a shell of its former self. Now it's just a brand label slapped onto a cheap OEM product.
I remember the ads in the back of PC Computing magazine...

Uh, the ODM of these units are Super Flower. They make pretty stellar units. Even if PCP&C bows out entirely, this power supply is solid, and should last you quite some time.
Yeah, Super Flower is one of only a few companies these days really making an effort to compete with the likes of Seasonic. PC P&C was doing far better going with them than their older Sirfa units, if you ask me.