PC restarts after a few hours of gaming!


Mar 24, 2008
hi, I just assembled a gaming rig with the following config-
core 2 duo e4500
512M MSI NX8800GT-T2D512E-OC
Corsair TwinX 2GB DDR2 6400 C4
OCZ 600w psu

Recently i just encountered this problem of my pc restarting after a few hours of gaming.I was playing crysis a week back(on high settings with low physics) and after an hour my pc restarted by itself.It does not go to the bios.Instead a white cursor keeps blinking.I have to manually restart it.After that when i started the game again, it would either crash after a few minutes or the pc would restart again.I checked the temperatures of my cpu and gpu and they were below 60C at all times.This problem also occured when i was playing battle for middle earth 2 on max settings at 1280x960 res but after 3-4 hours.This time the game would simply crash rather than pc restarting.I cant figure out problem.
Could be a PSU or RAM problem. Try running Memtest, and check your CPU temps using CoreTemp.
As well as trying what the above poster suggested, try taking off your side panel and blowing out any accumulated dust and lent buildup. Even though your temps are showing one thing, I have found that usually thats not very reliable. You could have three different temp monitoring systems be they software or hardware based and all three would show different readings. This really sounds like on overheating problem to me.
Sounds more like a heat issue. Make sure fans are all running and the machine is clear of dust.
Personally, I dust my machine ever 2 months. Also, make sure your graphics card fan is moving freely, I have had many lock up on me.
everything on the temperature side seems fine. I have tried rivatuner,coretemp and speed fan and all of them show similar temperatures,+/- 2 degrees. and since the day i got my rig which is in march i have been running it without the side panel.I ran memtest with a one stick of 1 gb for 12hrs. instead of the a few initial, it gave me errors, the latest being on test 6 and test 7.moroever memtest is displaying the type of ram as ddr3 whereas it it ddr2.btw my ram's running at 2.1v.
Also the gfx card is running properly.
again, try dusting your machine. I have a watercooled machine and dust was the culprit for this exact situation a week ago for me, and I had dusted it 2 weeks earlier. Check your PSU's fan and see if it's working. It's either heat, or power normally. For a power diagnosis, try disconnecting non-essential peripherals and any USB devices and give it a shot, but first dust your computer well.
Anything showing in the application or system eventlogs?

Are you running rivatuner? If so, use the OSD and display the cpu /gpu temps while you are gaming.
1. Download CoreTemp and record your temps somewhere.
2. Get some canned air and blow out your case completely. Give quick blasts all over the motherboard, make sure the heatsink is clear of chunks of dirt, and give the fans a good once-over.
3. Check CoreTemp again, let us know the difference.
try speedfan and run it in the background when you're playing ur game.....tab out and check the temps
Is the system overclocked? is it orthos/prime stable? Sounds like your RAM might be faulty from what you said above. That ram doesn't OC for shit so make sure you aren't trying to run the ram above PC6400
and using a little can of air doesnt do crap for proper dusting. I use an air compressor and blow air properly. I can get huge dust clouds out of my power supply if i havent done it in 3 months.
Compressed air is your friend, my box was doing this exact same thing a few months back. after I blew out the CPU/GPU HSFs the problem went away.

Nothing beats a little preventative maintenance when it comes to dust and PCs.