PC2100 limitations


Aug 16, 2003
Stock FSB currently is 133, I've had it to 140 and stable, but want to get some opinions from other PC2100 owners about how far they've pushed their FSB above 133 since technically thats all the PC2100 can handle also..
Mine runs fine at 150 FSB.
Hard drives dont work at that speed but memory is fine.

If your not sure just run Memtest 86.
No errors means it works at that speed.

havent tried running this POS crucial 2100 at anything but 2100 :(
right now my system is soo crippled it isnt even funny... 333 cpu on 266 ram :( damn a-sync....ill try to oc a little when i get home :)
Ive got mine up to 160. I can reach 166.5 but it means taking my cheap-ass 128MB out that means any game I load has to page and it take ages. So technically my record is 166.5MHz
I have 2 512 sticks that do 166 cas2. they can push up to around 180-190 with more relaxed timings.
My 2100 doent get very far maybe 5mhz gain.

guy above um when you say relax ram timing for more speed, can you please explain which values are increased or decreased? Ram is something I cant seem to understand... Want that computer to be at 1:1 fsb crappy ram makes it think 5:4 want more speed.

Oh yeah.. if I increase the ram voltage, will I be able to oc further? My mobo supports increasing my ram voltage but not cpu lol.
when you start getting into changing the fsb/ram ratio, you are not really overclocking your ram. the system usually runs the fastest when the divider is set to 1:1.

I am going to steal some info from here

DRAM Timing
The next setting that we’ll look at here is the DRAM Timing. This is where you can adjust the CAS (or latency) of your memory. I won’t try to get into a long-winded explanation of CAS definitions, so let’s just put it in simple terms.

Hint: When you start boosting the processor speeds to higher levels, this can be an area to turn back to “2.5” or “3” values to attempt to gain higher FSB stability. Since raising the FSB also raises the speed of the memory, this will sometimes be the cause of crashes. When you first start locking up during your FSB raising venture, try setting this back a notch and try that same FSB again. Since different systems perform differently, you will need to benchmark both settings to see if the slower memory speed coupled with the higher overall system speed makes it worth your while.

so in your ram timing options try setting the numbers higher. CAS especially. thats "relaxing" the timings. Setting them lower (which increases performance) is called "tightening" the timings.

Good luck
BTANK: does it fail if you pull your 256 stick out and run your 512 in single channel?

also is there a reason you are running 1.92 volts and a x5 multiplier?

if you just dropped this mobile in you need to go into your bios and change some things.

generally the multi should be around 10 and the fsb set for 200. I reccomend starting at 1.65V for core voltage. set the ram in SPD to start with.

EDIT: I am sorry I was thinking pc3200ram. set your multiplyer around 14 and a 133 fsb. Turn down your voltage still. Since you are running dual channel I am thinking you are on an nforce 2 of some sort. I would suggest picking up some pc3200 ram.
Ah thanks for the intel M1ster_R0gers, ill play around with relaxing my ram timings and hopefully end up being able to hit the normal 166mhz ram for a normal 333fsb then ill just overclock my cpu through the multipliers (its a unlocked tbred)
@ M1ster_R0gers

dunno m8. This was by Staphylococcus, a pcper (name on top), not me. Sorry if I did not make that clear.

He just stuck that in place of his BH-5 at his usual o/c, not expecting it to boot, so that's why voltages are set that way. Probably did not care to step his settings down since he was going to remove them anyway and just left them maxed out.

To push the FSB he was doing right, a low multi takes the CPU limit out of the equation and is what he was trying see. Original post asks, "How far has FSB been pushed with lowly PC2100?" Most PC2100 is lucky to get 166, I know, especially since they were on older boards with non too high vdimm limits.

He indeed had nForce and had plenty vdimm available, 3.3 volts, an Infinity.

Samsung PC2100, I believe.
wow. I have 2 crucial 2100 256MB coming back on RMA. They both went bad in 2 seperate incidents over a year ago. I am hoping that they have some current chips on them. I am betting they are just changing SPD settings to reflect ram speed. I will let you guys know when I get them.

The Crucial 512 PC2100 I have in a workstation were bought last year and they run at 180 cas2 something something. Got those both for 80 dollars at best buy after MIR.

40 bucks for a 512 stick of name brand ram. Times have changed.
my crucial also does 190. worked at 192 in windows but it wasn't stable. heh, thats with ecc ram too :)
here you go guys, straight back from Crucial RMA:


this is @ 2.8 V. So how does their PC3200 compare?