

Jul 10, 2002
Any video cards that use PCI-X, PCI Express or whatever it's called?

Anyone heard about a 6800GT card or whatever it is? supose to be kinda new... is it any good? Is it APG or PCI-X?
do you honestly not know about this stuff? or are you baiting for answers to amuse yourself, being a "limp gawd" and all? just hard for me to believe, is all, not trying to insult you or anything.

to answer the questions, though:
yeah, there are some video cards out using PCI-E (note: not PCI-X, which is an older technology).

For ATi: x300, x600
For nVidia: PCX 5200, PCX 5750, PCX 5900

and possible manufacturer-specific derivatives. You've also got the Fire GL series of professional cards from ATi.

The 6800GT card is supposed to be the best value/performance card right now, expecially considering it's overclocking potential, and yes, it's new at the moment. All of the newer cards are out for AGP only right now, but they're supposed to go PCE-E (again, not X) in a month or two (don't recall exactly).
I myself havnt heard of PCI-X radeon cards, but I know XFX makes PCI-X Nvidia cards. PCI-X is faster than PCI, but its different tha PCI-E(xpress) and never really took off. All new video cards already out came out for AGP, and a few PCI-E. I know the X800-XT PE can be found in PCI-E already, not sure about Nvidias 6800 line. When the 6600 comes out however, it will be released as PCI-E first, then come out with APG laer. The X300 and X600 I THINK are PCI-E only, but dont quote me on that one.

And as stated the 6800GT is currently the best card out for the money. Are you planning to get one, and if so, APG or PCI-E? If you can hold off, PCI-E will be smarter, for SLI purposes.

And yea, I'm not trolling, just haven't looked at video card tech for a year now... last time I was "in the know" was last generation and stoped reading about those things when I got my Ti-4600.

Alright, I'll read up a bit more. I know Asus has a few PCI-E boards that look nice...
budec said:

And yea, I'm not trolling, just haven't looked at video card tech for a year now... last time I was "in the know" was last generation and stoped reading about those things when I got my Ti-4600.

Alright, I'll read up a bit more. I know Asus has a few PCI-E boards that look nice...

wait for the boards with 2 x16 PCI-E come out
alex pez said:
1x16 and 1x8...


here's what i want to know about that: cards are made for 16x slots, right? so how can the card fit into ax 8x slot, which is half the size? or do you have to buy a special SLI-sized card to run SLI?
milling_hordesman said:
here's what i want to know about that: cards are made for 16x slots, right? so how can the card fit into ax 8x slot, which is half the size? or do you have to buy a special SLI-sized card to run SLI?

Dunno waht taht guy was talking about, get the 2x x16 boards when they come out. And no you dont ahve to buy special sized cards, all 6800 (and 6600GT) PCI-E cards come with with the SLI thingers on them.
milling_hordesman said:
here's what i want to know about that: cards are made for 16x slots, right? so how can the card fit into ax 8x slot, which is half the size? or do you have to buy a special SLI-sized card to run SLI?

The connectors on the motherboard are going to both be x16 slots, but the secondary one is only an x4 or x8 electrically.
Tim said:
The connectors on the motherboard are going to both be x16 slots, but the secondary one is only an x4 or x8 electrically.

Didnt know that, expalins what the other guy said with x16 and x8....
Viper87227 said:
Didnt know that, expalins what the other guy said with x16 and x8....

Yeah, the current PCI-E implementations only allow up to 24 lanes. Therefore, you can't have 32 lanes on any current motherboard. I think Nvidia's PCI-E implementation is going to have 32 lanes, but they still don't plan on implementing it as 2*X16 slots, but more like x16, x8, and some x1's.
Tim said:
Yeah, the current PCI-E implementations only allow up to 24 lanes. Therefore, you can't have 32 lanes on any current motherboard. I think Nvidia's PCI-E implementation is going to have 32 lanes, but they still don't plan on implementing it as 2*X16 slots, but more like x16, x8, and some x1's.

So, on the newer PCI-E boards, I noticed there is one long slot, then one or two really short ones....but there only on PCI-E boards...whats that all about?
Viper87227 said:
So, on the newer PCI-E boards, I noticed there is one long slot, then one or two really short ones....but there only on PCI-E boards...whats that all about?

The long one is a PCI-E x16 slot.

The short ones are PCI-E x1 slots.
PCI X is a server type slot. a 64 bit, 133mhz MAX slot to transfer data. fully backward compatible pci slot.

i have a pci X scsi card. awesome device.

PCI E = express, is meant for graphics initially. some other things may arise. PCI X should have eclipsed PCI for nics, sound, daughter cards, HOST bus adapters....leave agp / pci E to vi for VIDEO....
Viper87227 said:
So are the PCI-E x1 slots faster than lie AGP or regular PCI?

It's definitely not faster than AGP. That's why they have the x16 slots. I think that a single PCI-E channel is comparable to regular PCI, but it is the fact that PCI-E is scalable and a serial architecture that gives it an advantage.
Tim said:
It's definitely not faster than AGP. That's why they have the x16 slots. I think that a single PCI-E channel is comparable to regular PCI, but it is the fact that PCI-E is scalable and a serial architecture that gives it an advantage.

other advantages include that it's capable of simultaneous upstream and downstream transfers and each lane is dedicated (not shared like PCI)