PCIE 1950pro Overclocking


Feb 20, 2005
Having one delivered here today for another box. Been reading there were some software issues with overclocking. Have these been resolved?
What are people using to OC these cards?
I use either CCC or ATITool to OC mine CF setup. with a Zalman VF900-Cu, I can hit 623/787 at 36C idle, 50C load using AS5. With stock cooler, it was 614/766 at 45C idle, 63C load.
I'm not sure about ATItool beta 0.26, but as far as im aware 0.25 doesn't support overclocking the x1950pro. I use ATI tray tools, except my success has varied alot, Everyone on extreme systems keeps saying theres a way to overclock your x1950pro w/o using the low level setting (ie driver level overclocking), but I've only been able to get driver level overclocking to work once, it was a fluke, and I was unable to replicate it.

In ATT theres also low level overclocking (bios registers?), sometimes it works for me and allows me to overclock, other times ill get a blank screen and my computer freezes, there seems to be no determining variable for this.

My sapphire ultimate x1950pro has problems running at the stock 800mhz (1600DDR) memory clocks, 6.11-7.1 drivers see my bios set 1600mhz memory clock but only allows it to go to 1400mhz (reference). the specal x1950pro drivers DO allows me get all 1600mhz w/o overclocking, but I get massive artifacts in any 3d game in 15 minutes.

As far as im aware, none of the many issues with overclocking the x1950pro PCIe have been resolved, and only stop gap measures have been used so far.

Ive seen some people gain positive results by clocking the pciE bus to 101 or 105mhz, but I haven't been able to test this myself to do my quasi defective card.

Also sabregen, im surprised your temps dropped that much, my stock cooler (which is a vf900cu), runs around 62c at stock speeds, but this may or may not because the fan is automatically controlled, as I have not been able to figure out what speed the fan is spinning at.
Perhaps a volt mod or two could open these up.
Know of anyone who's done one?
Perhaps a volt mod or two could open these up.
Know of anyone who's done one?

Try xtreme systems forums for x1950pro voltmods, let me warn you though, I believe most if not all require you to soder different points on the pcb, with resistors aka not pencil mods, I also believe that voldmodding the x1950pro has yielded little success in terms of a more stable / higher overclock, and from what I heard either the core frys itself in days or the digital PWM.
Ummm...why not just use the CCC?

CCC works fine for overclocking X1950 Pros.
Interesting little card.
While my x6800 and x1900xtx certainly benchmark better, I'm not noticing a lot of gameplay differences between that machine and the P4@4GHz with the 1950pro. The x6800/1900xtx are running a bit higher resolution, but in the games played (CS:S, HL2, BF2, NWN2, and a few random others) at the resolutions played at (1440x1050 on the xtx, 1280x1024 on the pro), everything is smooth and lovely.
Gonna try 16x12 with the pro adn see if it makes a dif.
Interesting little card.
While my x6800 and x1900xtx certainly benchmark better, I'm not noticing a lot of gameplay differences between that machine and the P4@4GHz with the 1950pro. The x6800/1900xtx are running a bit higher resolution, but in the games played (CS:S, HL2, BF2, NWN2, and a few random others) at the resolutions played at (1440x1050 on the xtx, 1280x1024 on the pro), everything is smooth and lovely.
Gonna try 16x12 with the pro adn see if it makes a dif.

x6800? you mean an nvidia 6800?

if so, it benches better than an x1950pro? the x1950pro gives an x1800xt a run for its money...
I mean that with a c2d x6800 and a 1900xtx, it benches better than the 1950pro and a p4 a 4ghz, obviously.
What I'm saying, is at these lower resolutions, that while there is obviously a frame rate difference, gameplay isn't noticeably different.
Wasn't talking about an nvidia 6800. Was talking about a core 2 duo x6800.
I mean that with a c2d x6800 and a 1900xtx, it benches better than the 1950pro and a p4 a 4ghz, obviously.
What I'm saying, is at these lower resolutions, that while there is obviously a frame rate difference, gameplay isn't noticeably different.
Wasn't talking about an nvidia 6800. Was talking about a core 2 duo x6800.

oh, ok.

well I just ordered a Sapphire 1950pro 512MB PCIE a couple days ago. will post overclocking experiences after it arrives. I'll be trying ATI Tray Tools first, becuase I love it and it has worked well for me for a long time with my flashed x800gto.
ATiTool crashed the computer when I tried to have it change anything with the 1950.

not to be confused with ATI Tray Tools.

i'm not saying it WILL be any better, but it is a different program.

also for those interested, ATI Tray Tools can be used as a CCC replacement, just install drivers without CCC, then use ATT for all of your settings. works great.