Pcper GeForce GTX 1080 and 1070 3-Way and 4-Way SLI will not be enabled for games

Except that they went on sale with "enthusiast key" strategy but now are saying, "ah no." That's not going to fly well ... just sayin'. (I'm a single gpu user myself)
Except that they went on sale with "enthusiast key" strategy but now are saying, "ah no." That's not going to fly well ... just sayin'. (I'm a single gpu user myself)
Yeah, there are already people saying that they purchased 4 cards already in anticipation that 3- and 4-way SLI would be working in the future. Someone in that PCPer thread said they even already got water blocks installed on the 4 they purchased.
Yeah, there are already people saying that they purchased 4 cards already in anticipation that 3- and 4-way SLI would be working in the future. Someone in that PCPer thread said they even already got water blocks installed on the 4 they purchased.

Those people just look like idiots, it was in the initial announcement, listed on the boxes, mentioned in every review I read. I mean, 3 and 4 way SLI are basically worthless even on older cards, but if you still chose to buy 3 or 4 cards even though everyone everywhere told you it wasn't supported you have to either take ownership of your mistake or look like a giant fool.
Those people just look like idiots, it was in the initial announcement, listed on the boxes, mentioned in every review I read. I mean, 3 and 4 way SLI are basically worthless even on older cards, but if you still chose to buy 3 or 4 cards even though everyone everywhere told you it wasn't supported you have to either take ownership of your mistake or look like a giant fool.

Yeah, this doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I don't think the new 2 way bridges are available yet. I've been looking and looking and nVidia still is showing notify on their site. But some people just like hardware.
for 0.01% of gamers you mean? 2-way sli or crossfire is rare and you're talking about 3, 4. It was irrelevant all the time and that's why nvidia gave up on wasting effort for nothing. Right move.
Agreed. I remember when the original Titan came out and in some games the 4th card gave WORSE performance than with 3. Quad SLI was always useless.
RIP SLI support :cry:

Except that they went on sale with "enthusiast key" strategy but now are saying, "ah no." That's not going to fly well ... just sayin'. (I'm a single gpu user myself)

On May 17th, all of the articles I read and all of the youtube explanations I watched said that nVidia was not going to support greater than 2 way SLi. They said it was up to the developers to program the support for it.

How has anything changed? The PCper article said that developers are still able to utilize DX12 to scale with more than 2 cards.

Sounds like the only thing that has changed is that nvidia isn't going to bother with the Enthusiast key.

Ok, nvidia didn't beat everyone over the head with "WE ARE NOT RELEASING DRIVERS which support greater than 2 way SLI", but they really were not vague in stating that they were not supporting it and you bought more than 2 cards at your own risk.
I'm under the impression the main use of 3/4 way SLI is those guys with the big flight sim setups? But not sure. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it, hah. Yeah I agree, the reviews certainly painted a picture that official support (for gaming) was headed out the door.
These idiots deserve to be out money; it's not like there's even anything that needs more than two 1080s to hold 60 FPS at 4K resolution all maxed out. There are no 8K displays available, there are no 4K 120 Hz displays available. So very pointless.
You guys have to admit that NVIDIA did not do a very good job communicating the 3-way and 4-way strategy. They first said they would support it with an "Enthusiast Key" but it would be unofficial. Now they're backing out on that? To me, that's shitty.

There's nothing pointless about wanting the best or fastest setup. I'm glad NVIDIA has pulled the reigns back on 3-way and 4-way but this is a stupid backpedal move by them and I can understand why people with exotic setups would be pissed.

I mean, read this:
We expect the "benchmark only" mode of 3-Way and 4-Way SLI to be ready for consumers with the next "Game Ready" driver release. If you happened to get your hands on more than two GTX 1080s but aren't into benchmarking, then find those receipts and send a couple back.

Just reads "F you" lol...
Oh yeah, I forgot about the OCN peeps. They buy 3 and 4 cards to just run benchmarks!!!
I am doing 2-way SLI on my 1080s (have 3 inbound third will be for mobile system). Finishing my 4-way SLI TitanX system as well but then I did not BUY the TitanX GPUS so I am using them all in one system because I have them.
So sexy Beavis.

Well, beyond 2 way SLI/crossfire always had horrible frame times anyways. 3 or 4 cards would be worse than two way SLI or even a single card. At least they stopped pretending it's a good option.