PCs showing up with External IP Address


Jun 28, 2003
Had to repost this due to some forum problems. Here is my original thread that is still alive and working but doesn't show up in the list for some reason.


Sorry if I don't have enough info, trying to help my wife with problems they are having at their office. This could possible be normal but I don't ever recall seeing or hearing it being this way.

They have a T1 line coming in to their office, a router(don't recall type) and then to a 3Com 16 port switch.

They have a 1 Windows 2000 server (using as simple file server now) and about a dozen XP desktops/laptops.
They are all setup with DHCP addresses coming from the router.

Question: Why is it when I try to ping another computer (e.g. the server) it shows it's trying to ping their External IP Address and not the Internal 192.168.x.x address?

The first time I could not get a reply from the server but after I did a DNS Flush and DNS Register, I finally got a reply from the server but it still show an External IP address.
I just found out that the router they are using is a Zonet ZSR0104CP.
Anyone familiar with those? I see it's got a feature for Dynamic DNS but I am unfamiliar with that.
DNS enabled somewhere.. and it looks like its definitely set up wrong

i'm not a DNS wiz (i wish i was)... i really do need to learn the ins and outs of it in microsoft server....

i know enough to start a domain, thats about it...

but that is definitely your issue

nothing to do with dyndns on the router...

if you do an ipconfig/all on one of your workstations, what is it showing as the DNS address?

is it forwarding from the router? router ip?

you say the router is handing out the addresses, is it set in the DHCP settings to hand out a DNS address other than its own [forwarder]?

my guess is 1. it isn't... and its telling it to use DNS on the win2k server... and its set up wrong...

or maybe option 2. it is, and the loopback and DNS forwarding is screwy on that router... i don't know the router, but i doubt that is the problem
Question: Why is it when I try to ping another computer (e.g. the server) it shows it's trying to ping their External IP Address and not the Internal 192.168.x.x address?

When you try to ping, what address are you pinging?

Pinging by IP address has nothing to do with DNS (you, obviously, aren't using names...)

If you are pinging and it ends up pinging 123.456.789.141, that's very odd....

My question is just what you are trying to ping.

Perhaps can you post an output of the ping command itself as well as the results?
When you try to ping, what address are you pinging?

Pinging by IP address has nothing to do with DNS (you, obviously, aren't using names...)

If you are pinging and it ends up pinging 123.456.789.141, that's very odd....

My question is just what you are trying to ping.

Perhaps can you post an output of the ping command itself as well as the results?

When I ping server it comes back with 201.23.x.x and same goes if I try pinging machine1 I get the external IP Address.
OK so if you are pinging the local address of the server (, or whatever), the machine that replies is 201.23.x.x???

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 201.23.x.x: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from 201.23.x.x: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from 201.23.x.x: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from 201.23.x.x: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 1ms, Average = 0ms

Look like that?
No when I try to ping, I get request timed out.

If I try pinging, Server I get a response but it's from the external IP Address.
First off is the server on a dhcp address or is it static? A server should have a static ip.

Anyway it really sounds like all of the machines are on a windows domain but one with a .com, .net, etc domain instead of a .local. The dns doesn't have a pointer to keep it internal.
Sorry I messed up. I'm finally back at the office so I could look at things again.

The server is on a static IP Address and when I ping it's IP Address I do get a positive response coming from the address.
But if I ping server, I get a positive response from the External IP Address.

The server has Static IP addess and the DNS is set to point to the rounter.

The server BTW is not a true server as I just found out today, it's just a Windows 2000 Professional machine setup as their file server.

The XP machines are actually Home version so they are in a workgroup.
The XP machines are setup DHCP for both IP Address and DNS.
This is why. Just change it to point to the server instead.

That was the server pointing to the router. Did you mean to have it pointing DNS to itself?

In any matter I did get the problem resolved. I modified the HOSTS file to point the server to the correct IP Address for all the machines in the office and that has resolved our issue.

Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions. :)
That was the server pointing to the router. Did you mean to have it pointing DNS to itself?

In any matter I did get the problem resolved. I modified the HOSTS file to point the server to the correct IP Address for all the machines in the office and that has resolved our issue.

Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions. :)

You really shouldn't have to screw with the HOSTS files. They are ridiculously hard to manage...

What is taking care of DNS, since you don't actually have a server????
You really shouldn't have to screw with the HOSTS files. They are ridiculously hard to manage...

I know I shouldn't have to mess w/ the HOSTS file, but it seemed to be the only way to get things working here.

Another thing I found out later. The External IP Address that we were getting a reply from 69.68.x.x was not actually their External IP Address. When I looked at the router to see what it's WAN IP Address was, it showed a 10.x.x.x IP Address.
Their ISP is a fractional T1 line with some kind of "company.com" Domain setup.
When we ping server, the response we were getting showed "reply from server.company.com".
My only guess is that there was another machine possible on their ISP network with the same "server" name and we were getting a reply from that machine. Is that even possible???

What is taking care of DNS, since you don't actually have a server????
Nothing really except for their ISP I guess...:confused:
Sorry my knowledge on DNS is quite rusty.