PE45 UD3P cant overclock, not even 334x9


Limp Gawd
Aug 9, 2006
cant overclock this motherboard, not even 334x9, tried bioses F4 F6 F7 F8 F9b
I have a Q9650 it worked on Asus P5E at 4x4GHz. 445x9.

The UD3P restarts it self most times endlessly when i go to 334x9 or higher. Sometimes it resetes itself, sometimes i must unplug the power.

Pls help, tnx.
I've seen this with P35 Gigabyte boards - you can't OC even 1 MHz :eek:
There are some some solutions:
1. Detach any external USB HDD
2. Clear CMOS and Load optimized defaults
3. Disable Legacy USB storage detect in the BIOS
4. When you are OC-ing, set the correct memory multiplier manually (2 or 2.4)
Post your BIOS settings. Have you overclocked before? I only ask because there is no such thing as an E8900...
I will do the above written, some off that i tried already some not. TNX so far, will write back.

The E8900 was a 8500 overclocked at E8900 speeds if there would been one ;).
Yes. I have had the Q9650 on Asus P5E at 4x445 without problems stable, only the volts where a little high on that board for 445 MHz fsb.
It must be some default bios setting, i played much around and now it works, after hours. Tnx to all.