Peak temperature for 1.6Ghz Sempron?


Jan 11, 2004
I've got a little Sempron processor running in my Home Theater PC, it stays fairly cool, only 1.6Ghz, single core, etc.

I just moved into a new apartment, and the HTPC's new entertainment center has poor air ventilation.

What's the safe peak temperature for these AMD chips to run, without fear of impending damage? I keep most of my systems very cool, but since the HTPC has low end, cheap hardware, I've never been too concerned.

The temperature stays around 68*C right now, 24/7. I know this is ridiculously high, relatively... but am I just asking for trouble at these temps? No stability issues as of yet, either.
yes you are, fix that ventilation! 68 at idle is horrible, and is bad for the cpu.
It's probably throttling to keep itself from burning up. There has to be some reason for the high temperature, like bad contact with the heatsink or a 50C+ ambient temperature in the case.
There's a very good reason for the high temps, its in a shut cabinet with only a 2" hole in the back, which has all the cabling in it. The only exaust fan is from the PSU, and 2 open pci slots :) Heatsink is aftermarket and pretty good, mounted fine.

It's enough to keep it plenty cool out in the open, since its low end hardware. But locked in a cabinet, it got pretty toasty!
Well the case is nice finished wood, so leaving it open isn't an option. But I will try running it for 24 hrs with the doors of the cabinet open, should be interesting to see how much that helps. When I opened the door on it before, it was a rush of hot air, so I imagine it'll help a bit.

I'll probably end up letting it randomly chill on the floor somewhere, as there's not much room for it elsewhere.

Here's the guy in his toasty little home: