Penn and Tellers opinion on violent video games

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Looked to me like the kid got hit with the butt of the gun when it discharged.
I think that's the main reason he didn't like it/cried. lol

The gun was bigger than the kid was. I wonder if he actually hit the target
The gun was bigger than the kid was. I wonder if he actually hit the target

Big rifle plus small caliber = low recoil. The guy didn't tell him how to properly shoulder it, so that is why he experienced a lot of recoil. This was of course to simulate how playing video games does not mean you learn how to use a weapon. I've seen videos of 9 year old girls handle the recoil much better with M4/carbine configuration AR-15 (lighter and shorter, which means it recoils more).

I find it funny as hell when people say games like CS/CoD are "killing simulators". They can't even get the basic weapon controls down. :p
I love Penn and Teller. They do an excellent job of pointing out stupid BS in all areas of our every day lives. One of my favorites has got to be the episode on recycling. Classic. The PETA episode is a close second.
The one they did on the stupidity of buying bottled water was good too. I like people who tell it how it is in a raw manner and am never offended by profanity.
^^ +1 Funniest thing I've ever watched. It goes to show you how easily people will just go along with the crowd :(
It was probably half the noise/shock of shooting a real gun that made him cry. I remember I was shocked the first time I shot an M16 in basic, wasn't expecting it to be that loud, and I was 20 years old at the time lol.

I shot 20 rounds of the Canadian version of the M16 when I was 14 at an army cadet camp. They also taught us how to take them apart and put them together again. Didn't scare me at all. They should have taught that kid how to hold the gun properly and were negligent not to. If he was seriously hurt by it then they would have been sorry fuckers.
How come I never read that shows like Gossip Girls and Degrassi(? do people still watch this) creates bitchy teens.
It was a good episode, sometimes I cant help but feel they pick easy targets like the fat dude and his death triangle, but at the end of the day they ripped jack a new one, so overall thumbs up :)
can anyone list the games they showed? There's one there I havn't seen before. It was a FPS, looked like world war 2 era, wasn't WAW though.
I definately found a new show to watch. I was laughing my ass off last night during the apocalypse show and then the video games one. Making idiots look like the idiots they are.. priceless.

I've always liked Penn and Teller, but now I've got even more respect for them.
That was definitely worth the watch. I think the remarks they use thuogh, make them less likely to reach the targets they need to reach.... the idiots!
They should have taught that kid how to hold the gun properly and were negligent not to. If he was seriously hurt by it then they would have been sorry fuckers.

You realize that was, (at least in part,) the point. To disprove that playing a FPS game automatically makes you able to handle the same sorts of weapons. Frankly I think they were kind to give usage of the weapon they did... if it threw that much kick for a smaller calibur weapon think of what it would have done to him to fire a combat shotgun, or a large calibur handgun.
Updated 1st post with 2 new sources in case you can't find a working one.
i love these guys...... The Wal-Mart one was the best
Watching now. This is going to be funny I can tell before I even watch it. Ahhh Wal-Mart hate ...
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you know, all they do is find the dumbest person that believes in *insert subject here* and then find someone who agrees with them. (p&t)

it's a terribly biased show.
I'd venture to say that was part of the point. Playing a video game doesn't mean you know what the fuck your doing as well. At least that's the way I took it.

lol I would say that you're probably right. Anytime I've went shooting with a noobie, you always show 'em how to hold a firearm properly to prevent getting popped in the face/shoulder. The kid certainly didn't think that through before firing lol :D
lol I would say that you're probably right. Anytime I've went shooting with a noobie, you always show 'em how to hold a firearm properly to prevent getting popped in the face/shoulder. The kid certainly didn't think that through before firing lol :D

Actually, he did show the correct posture when he fired first.
I shot 20 rounds of the Canadian version of the M16 when I was 14 at an army cadet camp. They also taught us how to take them apart and put them together again. Didn't scare me at all. They should have taught that kid how to hold the gun properly and were negligent not to. If he was seriously hurt by it then they would have been sorry fuckers.

The point was that video games were supposed to teach how to be a killing machine and he couldn't even fire a gun correctly. The only way he could have seriously injured is if he pointed the gun at himself.
Actually, he did show the correct posture when he fired first.

all he asked was if he wanted to sit or stand, he did t show the kid to move the butt down to his shoulder and not sit it right beside his cheek...
The point was that video games were supposed to teach how to be a killing machine and he couldn't even fire a gun correctly. The only way he could have seriously injured is if he pointed the gun at himself.

exactly, it's only an AR15. They don't have much kick if any at all, probably scared him more than anything. Now had he been firing a desert eagle, thats a different story.

that fat guy ruled lol He has some pretty neat guns
all he asked was if he wanted to sit or stand, he did t show the kid to move the butt down to his shoulder and not sit it right beside his cheek...

He went through the entire loading, cocking, and shooting right in front of the kid before reloading it again.
thanks OP for posting this. Never heard of the show before and started checking out more episodes. I dig it :)
all he asked was if he wanted to sit or stand, he did t show the kid to move the butt down to his shoulder and not sit it right beside his cheek...

Why should the guy have to explain it to the kid? The kid plays fucking VIDEO GAMES, he's a trained killer already.
Counter-strike taught me how to bunny hop, and camp. That's all I need to know to take on China.
You realize that was, (at least in part,) the point. To disprove that playing a FPS game automatically makes you able to handle the same sorts of weapons.

Yes, but what if it knocked the kids teeth out or broke his nose? I'm sure they had the mother sign a waiver to say they couldn't sue for it and they paid her well to let them use her kid as a guinea pig but still that is a bit risky. I wouldn't put any 9 year old in a position where it might cause physical harm and they did. Ever see the video on youtube where the girl gets temporarily knocked out because she didn't know how to hold the rifle correctly? These things can do some serious harm if used incorrectly.

I liked the Penn and Teller video, just saying they were a bit negligent in that one scene.
I find it funny as hell when people say games like CS/CoD are "killing simulators". They can't even get the basic weapon controls down. :p

That isn't the only aspect to a killing simulator. Military uses games like this as combat simulators so they do teach you something about combat.
The entire Penn and Teller BS series is awesome.

This episode was actually pretty weak in comparison to some of their better ones, but it was still informative with a few good laughs. I don't get why the kid started crying after he shot the gun. It looks like the recoil hit him square in the face... I thought *that* would make him cry.
Yes, but what if it knocked the kids teeth out or broke his nose? I'm sure they had the mother sign a waiver to say they couldn't sue for it and they paid her well to let them use her kid as a guinea pig but still that is a bit risky. I wouldn't put any 9 year old in a position where it might cause physical harm and they did. Ever see the video on youtube where the girl gets temporarily knocked out because she didn't know how to hold the rifle correctly? These things can do some serious harm if used incorrectly.

I liked the Penn and Teller video, just saying they were a bit negligent in that one scene.

Which is why they had the marine guy tell him and watch him about weilding the gun. Also had the cop guy in the background in case something did end badly. They weren't negligent, they knew the possible risks, and they took actions to prevent such.
the shock of it had to wear off and he realized what he did later. Basically it didn't effect him until then or he didn't want to cry until he couldn't hold it in any longer.

How is this weak? I've not seen other BS shows but have seen Penn's Vlog and he's great in those.

The entire Penn and Teller BS series is awesome.

This episode was actually pretty weak in comparison to some of their better ones, but it was still informative with a few good laughs. I don't get why the kid started crying after he shot the gun. It looks like the recoil hit him square in the face... I thought *that* would make him cry.
Which is why they had the marine guy tell him and watch him about weilding the gun. Also had the cop guy in the background in case something did end badly. They weren't negligent, they knew the possible risks, and they took actions to prevent such.

No they didn't. They never instructed him how to hold the gun at all. Having a cop and military guy there after the kid breaks his nose or maybe even knocks his eye out is of no use. He would need a hospital and not a cop. If you fail to see the negligence in what they did then I feel sorry for you. But then your probably part of the generation that has grown up watching JackAss so think being a dumbass with people's safety is funny.
No they didn't. They never instructed him how to hold the gun at all. Having a cop and military guy there after the kid breaks his nose or maybe even knocks his eye out is of no use. He would need a hospital and not a cop. If you fail to see the negligence in what they did then I feel sorry for you. But then your probably part of the generation that has grown up watching JackAss so think being a dumbass with people's safety is funny.

Dumb/serious question, have you ever played sports as a kid? Either in a league or just for fun with your friends? Have you ever climbed a tree?
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