Pentium D


Limp Gawd
Mar 21, 2002
So I know alot of people arent huge on the p4d reviews just because it doesnt outbench x2's and because games dont support dual processors yet. These things are snappy and responsive as all hell when multitasking. I had a 3.2HT LGA775 P4 before this and the difference in Windows is night and day (I also upgraded to x64 with it so im sure its a combination of various things but this is impressive to say the least). I cant believe how fast everything is, I just desperately need a new video card now for BF2 in a couple weeks. I got the Gigabyte 945P-Pro as well, its not an amazing board but its not too bad either and it was pretty cheap. Just thought Id share my first experiences, ill post some benches in a bit when I get home from work.
Yeah i would like to see some pics of the system and some screeny if you could.

I mean, I look at everything logically. I would rather have 2 Prescott cores, rather than 1 with HT. The Pentium D is not bad... The Athlon X2 is better.... But that my no means makes the Pentium D slow.
thats kewl, I like the idea of pd's just not the thermal characteristics. But I would still use it :cool: Anyways good luck to your power supply :eek: jk.
Yeah I like my Pentiums, but I am leaning towards an X2 right now. Might have to retire the trusty 2.8C to the secondary computer.
Whats a good site that hosts images? my angelfire space got shut down a while back for abusing it for image hosting lol :-(
;) I suck with a digital cam and my cam is ancient but these will have to do for the time being :) ill post benches shortly as well im mid conversation wtih a friend i havent talked to in a bit right now though. The HSF is substantially larger than my standard LGA775 hsf it seems.

Sisoft Arithmetic
not even sure, im about to put xp pro on and see, im kinda aggrevated cause my monitoring software doesnt work in 64 :-( Idle after my windows install in cmos I was at about 42C
Temp in bios usually reflects under full load, and 42C seems great for that chip, if that is reading correctly. Especially with stock cooling
Looks good man. Should be a good computer for a long time.

What kind of Ram are you running?
Thanks man :) I want to go back to nVidia at some point soon so that vinyl in the bottom isnt pointless haha. Nah i still like their drivers honestly... I just picked up CORSAIR XMS2 1GB (2 x 512MB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 675 (PC2 5400UL) a week or so ago to replace my standard XMS2 5400. I figured this time Id do my PC right, I just really am in need of a higher end video card to power this thing. BTW Im not sure if youre still over there but keep up the good work, my cousins in the airforce and I respect anyone involved with the military on so many levels, my friend joe I went to college with was in the marines, you guys rock.