Pentium M Dothan beats FX 53/55

intel needs to ditch the prescott and start developing this for the desktop.
i don't know about beat... looks to me like the only real win was for the overclocked dothan over a stock 3500+... that's like saying "hey, my nitrous-injected-turbo-charged toyota supra is faster than your stock honda accord"... and that's just a silly arguement to make

edit: need to scroll down next time... but still... throwing out the oc'ed... the dothan only beat the fx by less than 3 fps... not what i would call a smashing victory... plus at anything over 640x480 (or maybe 800x600 at the most) the system is a lot more dependent on the graphics card than the cpu
kidicarus74 said:
i don't know about beat... looks to me like the only real win was for the overclocked dothan over a stock 3500+... that's like saying "hey, my nitrous-injected-turbo-charged toyota supra is faster than your stock honda accord"... and that's just a silly arguement to make

edit: need to scroll down next time... but still... throwing out the oc'ed... the dothan only beat the fx by less than 3 fps... not what i would call a smashing victory... plus at anything over 640x480 (or maybe 800x600 at the most) the system is a lot more dependent on the graphics card than the cpu

Why would you throw out the OC?? Even OC'd it's only running at 2.3Ghz, a full 300mhz slower than the FX-55. It would be one thing to complain if it was OC'd HIGHER and winning, but when it's OC'd lower and winning, give it some props.

And not a smashing victory, are you kidding?? Not only is it beating AMD's fastest in Far Cry, it's doing it at a slower speed AND with 1/2 the power! That's nuts!

Its also important to note than the test Dothan is being crippled by the 855 chipset its forced to run on. How old is the 855 chipset now?

Which means its running PC2700 single channel DDR, AGP 4x, and 400mhz FSB (855 chipset is not capable of dual - yet) and outdated ICH 4! Even with all that against it, its still kicking some serious butt IMO.

It should get much faster with the long, long awaited 915M (mobility) with hopefully Dual channel DDR support, a speed bump to 533 mhz FSB, PCIE, and better southbridge. ATi's Pentium M chipset also looks extremely promising.
MrDigital said:
Why would you throw out the OC??
Because it's no longer an apples to apples comparison. Throw in an overclocked Athlon 64 FX and we would find a fair comparison.
Even OC'd it's only running at 2.3Ghz, a full 300mhz slower than the FX-55. It would be one thing to complain if it was OC'd HIGHER and winning, but when it's OC'd lower and winning, give it some props.
It's just clock frequency. Don't we care about performance here? Sun's Niagara architecture is going to do some serious ownage with its 8-core processor that can do 32 threads simultaneously, but who's going to care what it's clocked at? Clock frequency is so '2003'. Welcome to 2004, when clock frequency no longer matters. Even Intel thinks so.
And not a smashing victory, are you kidding?? Not only is it beating AMD's fastest in Far Cry, it's doing it at a slower speed AND with 1/2 the power! That's nuts!
That's one game...are you dancing in the streets over that? The Pentium M has some serious imbalances in performance, due to its mobile focus. That's why the power dissipation is so low.

I should know, I have a Pentium M myself, but I realize that while it's a brilliant design, it still has some major flaws that will prevent the processor in its current form from being a desktop shoe-in.
This chip is rumored to be the the core in the new dual core chips comming out for the desktop in Q3 2005. If it is, I think we are looking at a win for intel.

They just need to add a few things
- On Die memory controller
- Add things like EMT64, SSE3 and Hyperthreading :heart: for HT :)
- Increase the speed maybe 500 - 600Mhz

There you have it... the Intel Pentium 5 processor
USMC2Hard4U said:
This chip is rumored to be the the core in the new dual core chips comming out for the desktop in Q3 2005. If it is, I think we are looking at a win for intel.

They just need to add a few things
- On Die memory controller
- Add things like EMT64, SSE3 and Hyperthreading :heart: for HT :)
- Increase the speed maybe 500 - 600Mhz

There you have it... the Intel Pentium 5 processor

While there are advantages to an on die memory controller it also has faults. Like having to re-design a processor core to change memory technologies. AMD's won't get DDR2 support until a new core that supports the technology comes out.

There's more flexibility in having the controller off chip. EMT64 would be good and so would SSE3. HT isn't needed. Nor would it work. HT uses the other parts of the long ass pipeline that doesn't normally get used in a Pentium 4. The shorter pipeline literally doesn't have room in the pipe for that.

Basically HT just uses the un-used stages in a Pentium 4. Most applications won't use the whole pipelinem, so theres room for more instructions in there. A shorter pipeline by nature won't have this. Thus HT won't work. I wish I could remember where I read the article on this. It did compare the Pentium M to the Pentium 4 and HT was discussed in it.
Then again, memory upgrade flexibility is not as big of a deal for architectures that are less sensitive to memory bandwidth increases, like the K8 design. Perhaps this also applies to the Pentium M--I presume it does. Of course, don't most people upgrade the motherboard when they upgrade their processor?
I want one of these damn things in my desktop now :mad:

Intel, this is to you, wake the fuck up!
Hmm.....I"m thinking with the right supporting chipset and some *Normal* cooling some awesome gains could be seen with overclocking, granted you wouldn't need to use and extreme cooling measures.
Pentuim M is going to be the "it" chip for the futre of Intel.

I believe they have made many mis-steps but this chip will save them in the end.

AMD does have the lead right now but will soon lose it again, as they did with the original Athlon. Hopefully they will then stomp some but again with the K9, or maybe old school K8++.
MethylONE said:
Pentuim M is going to be the "it" chip for the futre of Intel.

I believe they have made many mis-steps but this chip will save them in the end.

AMD does have the lead right now but will soon lose it again, as they did with the original Athlon. Hopefully they will then stomp some but again with the K9, or maybe old school K8++.
Intel dug out their dead and shortlived (but amazing overclocker) Pentium III config to help them regain the top spot. Long time ago, I oc'd Pentium III 800 to 1.2 Ghz on asus cusl2 mobo and beat amd athlon 800.
Got to give it some credit you AMD people. It a 21-28 watt chip. Well it impresses me and i own an socket939 athlon64 cpu myself.
centvalny said:
Intel dug out their dead and shortlived (but amazing overclocker) Pentium III config to help them regain the top spot. Long time ago, I oc'd Pentium III 800 to 1.2 Ghz on asus cusl2 mobo and beat amd athlon 800.

You also had a 400mhz clock speed advantage, assuming the AMD was not overclocked.
MemoryInAGarden said:
You also had a 400mhz clock speed advantage, assuming the AMD was not overclocked.
That was slot1 amd 800 with soyo k7via which is also oc'd to 1.2Gig. I forgot the result of benchmarks. B/way I still have both barebones and will bench' em when i have free time.
USMC2Hard4U said:
This chip is rumored to be the the core in the new dual core chips comming out for the desktop in Q3 2005. If it is, I think we are looking at a win for intel.

They just need to add a few things
- On Die memory controller
- Add things like EMT64, SSE3 and Hyperthreading :heart: for HT :)
- Increase the speed maybe 500 - 600Mhz

There you have it... the Intel Pentium 5 processor

Actually the first round of dual core processors will be Multi-Core Prescott's probably with EM64T. Dothan based processor cores won't actually be introduced into the desktop lineup until probably around 2006.
ever since i got my laptop ive been saying to myself that intel should start developing this proc for the desktop, i only have the 735, but damn this thing is blazing