Pentium M users


Mar 15, 2006
I bought recently a Pentium M 780 that I overclocked to 2.6GHz using the 5:4 FSB ratio (FSB is running at 612MHz), I'm using the hard to find Asus CT-479 CPU adapter to use my current Asus P4P800-E Deluxe with the Pentium M. For some reason I had to increase the V core greatly to make the overclocking stable (From 1.388v to 1.6v) It's quite high but seems that the adapter regulates the CPU V Core and never exceeds the 65C in max load (This CPU has a thermal design of 100C) . The performance gains are huge in gaming and productivity programs like Office, and Windows Desktop etc, (My 3DMar05 score went from 7,784 to 10,096), the only thing that got slighly slower was media encoding (Which love the P4 high GHz). Is there another way to increase my overclock or improve bandwidth like disabling PAT or tighting timings? I know that my system is not the fastest rig in the market, but works very well outperforming any single core Athlon 64 and Athlon FX in gaming and sometimes challenging or outperforming slighly the Athlon X2 4800+ in the gaming arena. Any help appreciated.