Pentium M w/ EM64T, when?


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2001
Anyone heard anything on EM64T enabled Pentium M's? The new ones are running on 915 chipsets which support it for the 775 P4's, so I would assume that the chipset would support an EM64T enabled Pentium M, as well.

yeah I believe its merom (something like that) which is the one after yonah that will be 64-bit...
The P-M is a P3 based chip
it has a slightly longer pipe and a refreshed FSB interface

because of that the cost in develping 64bit extensions are not going to be cheap
and they would not work the same as the P4's 64bit extensions which would require an update to the silicon on the northbridge chip

right now AMD does not have any comparable low whattage 64bit chip so there is no competition driving intel to introduce the feature

anyways intel never does more than one major feature per platform cycle
this is in an effort to prevent upgradeing instead of replaceing and to shorten the replacement cycle to sell more product
Actually AMD does have competitiont, its called the Turion...they're just hard to find at the moment...
TheCzar said:
Actually AMD does have competitiont, its called the Turion...they're just hard to find at the moment...
The problem is...Turion flat out sucks. It uses more power than the PM, it has poorer performance than a Pentium M. It also runs hotter than a Pentium M. If AMD would get off their asses and design their own from the ground up mobile core-logic MAYBE they'd be able to compete with the Pentium M. Right now if you're looking for a notebook, Pentium M is the king.

No Intel fan-boi bullshit either. I run three AMD rigs here and only my main desktop and Laptops are Intel (got the retail edge deal last year). Right now I'm trying to ditch this Intel setup I got and go AMD 64 with SLI.
TheCzar said:
Actually AMD does have competitiont, its called the Turion...they're just hard to find at the moment...

Turion is more of the same, an Athlon 64 ported to the laptop. With average power saving features and good performance, but still not the solution that Intel provides
UltimaParadox said:
Turion is more of the same, an Athlon 64 ported to the laptop. With average power saving features and good performance, but still not the solution that Intel provides

Not even good performance. The Turion is sub-standard in almost everything.